Hyundai introduces its vision for 'metamobility'

where a variety of robotic devices interact with humans

to provide a broad range of mobility services

LOCATION: Las Vegas, Nevada

(SOUNDBITE) (English) CHAIRMAN OF HYUNDAI MOTOR GROUP, EUISUN CHUNG, SAYING:"Combining our robotics with the metaverse will have a huge impact. Our mobility solutions will be expanded into what we call 'metamobility'. This is not only for providing freedom, it's movement, movement in the physical world, but also for moving us to a new reality within the metaverse."

Examples of real-world applications include:

//A vehicle that can be transformed into a work space

A 'smart' factory with remotely controlled robots

Automated transportation devices for people with disabilities //

Hyundai expects to leverage its expertise in robotics and artificial intelligence

In 2021, it acquired robotics company Boston Dynamics for $1.1 billion