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Reference is made to the announcement (the "Announcement") of Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd. (the "Company") dated 20 December 2013. Unless otherwise defined herein, capitalised terms used in this announcement shall have the same meanings as those defined in the Announcement.

The Company would like to provide the additional information that in the event that following any adjustment of the Exercise Price, the number of the new Warrants Shares will exceed the authorisation under the General Mandate, such number of Warrants Shares in excess of the authorisation under the General Mandate will not be issued and no other settlement method will be provided in the event of such adjustment.

By order of the board of directors of

Hsin Chong Construction Group Ltd. Barry John BUTTIFANT

Executive Director

Hong Kong, 8 January 2014

This announcement is a v ailable for vie wing on the Stock Exchange 's website:
www.hkexnews.hk and the Company's website: www.hsinchong.com.
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors comprises Dr. Wilfred WONG Ying Wai (Chairman and Chief Executive Officer), Dr. Catherine CHU, Dr. Barry John BUTTIFANT and Mr. Joseph CHOI Kin Hung as Executive Directors; Dr. Kenneth CHU Ting Kin as a Non-executive Director; and Hon. Jeffrey LAM Kin Fung, Hon. Abraham SHEK Lai Him, Dr. Joseph CHOW Ming Kuen and Mr. CHENG Sui Sang as Independent Non-executive Directors.

* for identification purposes only

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