(Leffler) "Yes, that's what I'm trying to do. I want you to remember the moment when it saves your lives."

86-year-old Holocaust survivor Ehudith Bracha Serchook is retelling her story

with the help of artificial intelligence.

The AI software generates images that Serchook says will leave an enduring record of her trauma for future generations.

"She is in despair but she is still happy because she is alive."

The mass killings carried out by the Nazis during World War Two claimed more than 6 million Jewish lives.

Serchook narrowly escaped death when her family fled Nazi-allied forces storming the Crimean city of Odesa in 1941.

"We were hurrying to catch the last steamer leaving Odesa, with many children and elderly people on board.  But on our way I lost my sandal and we had to come back to find it - and it saved our lives because when we reached the steamer it (had been) bombed by fascists and almost all the passengers were killed."

Serchook is one of 19 Israelis who have so far used AI to record their memories of the Holocaust.

The software, named Midjourney, can convert text into graphic pictures.

"I think it's a happy end because they found it and were saved."

Sol Leffler operates the AI program.

"I feel that I'm sitting with brave people. Each one of them have a unique story and they have a been through terrifying stuff, but they are still alive today, they are still functioning and it's incredible to hear and to see it and basically to generate it into photos. I feel that this our national duty to remember and not forget."

The AI project is run by the Chasdei Naomi organization which supports Holocaust survivors.

They display the images at an exhibition in the Israeli city of Ashkelon.

Asked about her memories of a conflict decades ago, Serchook said forgetting history would be dangerous.

"And some people do not want to remember about that. And I think it's very important to remind them and show them that anything can repeat in our lives. And we should not forget about that, you see?"