Hermes Fund Managers has strengthened its Emerging Markets team with the appointment of Diego Mauro as Director, Senior Investment Analyst, Asia.

Diego will particularly focus on Emerging Asia and report to Gary Greenberg, Head of Hermes Emerging Markets and Lead Portfolio Manager. He joins from the London office of Legg Mason International Equities where he has been working as a sector Global Emerging Market Analyst, with a particular focus on Asia.

At Legg Mason International, Diego worked across areas such as Financials, Technology Stocks and Materials and Utilities. Prior to this, he worked for the Central Bank of Argentina on their Fixed Income Portfolio.

Gary Greenberg, Head of Hermes Emerging Markets and Lead Portfolio Manager, said: “Diego’s experience and international perspective further strengthens our robust and dynamic team. The emerging market regions present numerous opportunities to find value, for example, announcements made in China’s recent Third Plenum will bring market reform, which in turn should lead to a more efficient allocation of capital.

“We aim to seek out companies at the forefront of these developments and look forward to working with Diego in identifying growing companies, not only in China, but across Asia.”

For further information, please contact:

Hermes Fund Managers
Jean Dumas
+44 (0)20 7680 2152

Melanie Shelley
+44 (0) 20 7680 2110

Notes to Editors:

Hermes Fund Managers

Hermes is a unique fund manager – we have been an industry leader in Responsible Investing for over thirty years and offer clients the unparalleled combination of:
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Hermes' investment solutions include:
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? Equities: Global, Emerging Markets, Small & Mid Cap, Europe, Japan

Hermes manages assets on behalf of more than 170 clients* across these investment areas with £26.1 billion* assets under management. Additionally, we support pension funds and other global institutional investors worldwide in meeting their ESG responsibilities through our market leading Hermes Equity Ownership Services, which takes on a stewardship role engaging globally on more than £129 billion* of assets.

*Please note the total AuM figure includes £3.5bn of assets managed or under an advisory agreement by Hermes GPE LLP (“HGPE”), a joint venture between Hermes Fund Managers (“HFM”) and GPE Partner Limited. HGPE is an independent entity and not part of the Hermes group. £0.4bn of total group AuM figure represents HFM mandates under advice. Source: Hermes as at 30 September 2013.