05/01/2018 11:47
The President of the Republic received the credentials of the new Ambassador of the State of Israel

The President of the Republic, Mr Nicos Anastasiades, received today, during a formal ceremony at the Presidential Palace, the credentials of the Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Republic of Cyprus, Mr Shmuel Revel.

Presenting his credentials, Ambassador Revel said:

'It is an honor and genuine privilege, President Anastasiades, to submit to you my credentials, following my Government's decision to appoint me as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to the Republic of Cyprus.

I am following a long chain of Israeli Ambassadors accredited to the Republic of Cyprus, with a firm will and determination to follow the extraordinary work performed by them as well as by the Ambassadors of Cyprus to Israel. It is my hope that together we will be able to write a new chapter in the book of our relations.

Mr President,

This year, the State of Israel will celebrate 70 years of independence. For thousands of Jews, Cyprus is the last station for the crossing to the land of Israel, just before the establishment of our state. Those people survived the atrocities of the Holocaust and found themselves in British internment camps in Cyprus, between 1946-1949. We hold a special place in our hearts for the Cypriots who, loyal to their high moral principles, showed feelings of humanity and stood by those refugees. The relationship between Israel and Cyprus is based, first and foremost, on a true people to people relation. The geographical proximity is coupled by the connection between the citizens of both countries and close cultural ties.

Israel and Cyprus share and respect the moral values of democracy, tolerance, freedom and justice. The deep cooperation between our countries is fundamental for the safeguarding of these values and the welfare of our citizens.
The upheavals in countries in the Middle East have brought about growing regional and broader instability, as well as threats of terrorism and extremism. Israel and Cyprus, together with other countries in the region, which share a similar vision for the future, can provide a meaningful framework for the advancement of stability, security and prosperity.

During the last years the bilateral relations and strategic cooperation between our countries have reached an unprecedented status. The high level of our close cooperation is particularly evident in the coordination between our countries, during emergency situations. In times of need, we stand side by side to face disasters. I, personally, was deeply moved in 2016, when I saw the Cypriot Fire fighters' team operating together, hand in hand, with their Israeli counterparts fighting the fires in Israeli cities; and I'm sure the Cypriot people remember the Israeli fire aircrafts flying in the same formation with the Cypriot ones, joining efforts in extinguishing the fires on the Troodos Mountains.

In the economic field, our two countries enjoy dynamic commercial and business relations, with great potential for further future development. The significant natural gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean offer much potential for cooperation. Great opportunities lie ahead in the Tourism sector, which has already shown substantial growth in the last years. Technology and innovation offer another platform for partnership.

As a diplomat, who worked on promoting relations with Arab countries and for the last two decades on Israeli - European relations, it is my sincere belief that the enhancement of our bilateral relations will be beneficial beyond our borders and can contribute to a better neighborhood.

Both Israel and Cyprus share the vision of a lasting peace that will be enjoyed by all future generations. Both our people hope for a true Peace. Israel is committed to the pursuit of peace, based on a genuine recognition of the national homeland of the Jewish people and a solid security. We hope that Cyprus will achieve a just and viable solution for the benefit of its people and of the region.

President Anastasiades, I would like to thank you and express Israel's sincere appreciation for your contribution to the building of the strong relations between our two countries. As Ambassador of Israel to the Republic of Cyprus, solidifying our partnership and achieving a new level of a long lasting friendship between our nations and countries will be my highest priority.'

Receiving the credentials, President Anastasiades said:


It is with great pleasure and with feelings of sincere friendship that I receive the Letters of Credence appointing you as the new Ambassador of the State of Israel to the Republic of Cyprus, and the Letter of Recall of your predecessor. I wish to assure you that my Government will provide you with every possible assistance in the performance of your high duties.

The long-standing ties between Cyprus and Israel have been developed along a path of historic friendship between our two peoples. Today, our bilateral relations are currently at their highest point ever, a reality which reflects the common desire and determination of the Governments of Cyprus and Israel to continue working for the constant development and enhancement of our partnership, to the benefit of our two countries and peoples.

Our relationship, which is one of strategic choice, features extensive and multidimensional cooperation in such important spheres as energy, technology and innovation, communications, defence, security, civil protection, environment, health, tourism and culture. Furthermore, in recent years an unprecedented number of ministerial and other high level visits have been exchanged between our countries, thus opening new avenues of collaboration and synergies.

Our partnership is also highlighted through the expressed solidarity between our countries and peoples in times of need and emergency. In 2016, we came to each other's aid by dispatching fire-fighting aircrafts and teams of fire fighters to assist to the efforts for extinguishing the fires that have been raging in Cyprus and Israel. This effective cooperation was actually one of the most important examples that demonstrate our countries' closeness in practical terms.

At a time when the eastern Mediterranean and the wider region are facing unprecedented challenges, our bilateral cooperation, in the spirit of good neighbourly relations, illustrates that dialogue and collaboration can contribute positively and constructively to the regional stability and prosperity.


With reference to the relations between the European Union and Israel, Cyprus supports, and is working towards a more systematic political dialogue and the enhancement of EU-Israel cooperation in key areas. This entails, among other things, the establishment of Partnership Priorities between the two sides based on the renewed European Neighbourhood Policy. In this regard, we welcome the recent meeting of Prime Minister Netanyahu with the European Union Foreign Ministers in Brussels, which allowed a constructive exchange of views on an array of pertinent issues.


The trilateral cooperation involving our two countries and Greece constitutes a tangible and tested example of the benefits accrued as a result of regional cooperation. This trilateral relationship has also been steadily developing as a result of the continuous and coordinated efforts of our Governments, with praiseworthy results achieved since its recent inception. In the meantime, much potential remains untapped and it is incumbent upon us to also focus our attention and energy on those areas too, in order to maximize the benefits of our collaboration, to our common good.

I avail myself of this opportunity to reiterate our determination to continue working for the further enhancement and widening of our trilateral cooperation, ensuring in the process that it remains relevant and beneficial to our citizens and societies. In this regard, I look forward for hosting the 4th Trilateral Summit the soonest possible, here in Nicosia, under the thematic heading of 'Building People-to-People Bridges'.


Cyprus is undergoing a turning point in its history as regards the energy sector. The discovery of sizeable reserves of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean has the potential to transform our region, through contributing to its economic development and promoting peace, security and cooperation in the area.

Our cooperation encompasses this vital area. Cyprus and Israel are currently discussing and promoting the implementation of the EastMed Pipeline and the EuroAsia interconnector projects. These projects will connect our countries with the European continent, contribute to the EU's policy of diversification of energy sources and routes, lift our energy isolation and upgrade our region's role and importance.


Taking this opportunity, I would like to reiterate our deep appreciation for the strong support of the Government of the State of Israel to our continuous efforts to reach a just, viable and comprehensive settlement of the Cyprus problem; a settlement that will end the unacceptable status quo and reunite our country and its people, in line with the relevant UN Council Resolutions, the EU values and principles, the High - Level Agreements between the leaders of the two communities and the Joint Declaration of February 11, 2014.

On my behalf, I would like to underline once again our unwavering determination to end the division of the island and our commitment to exert every effort to reach a comprehensive settlement. We deeply regret that Turkey's unwillingness to negotiate within the framework set by the UN Secretary General, and in particular Turkey's intransigent stance on the key Chapters of Security and Guarantees and its insistence on maintaining guarantees, troops and intervention rights in reunited Cyprus, did not allow for a positive outcome to be reached during the Conference on Cyprus in Crans-Montana, Switzerland, this past July.

It is well - known that the Conference on Cyprus was the result of the agreement of 4 June 2017, where the UN Secretary-General, Mr Αntοniο Guterres, stressed and publicly recognised, that the Chapter of Security and Guarantees constitutes an essential element in reaching an overall agreement on the Cyprus Problem. On 30 June, following consultations with all stakeholders, Mr Guterres set the framework within which the negotiations should proceed, for progress to be achieved on six thematic topics, including on the Chapter of Security and Guarantees and the issue of foreign troops.

Acting within the framework of the UN Secretary-General, the Greek-Cypriot side submitted comprehensive proposals on all six thematic areas identified. Regrettably, the Turkish and Turkish Cypriot side submitted proposals which were not only contrary to the ideas set by the UN, but also contravened EU law and the Charter of the United Nations.

Unfortunately, on 6 July 2017 the Turkish side rejected UN Secretary General's proposal for issuing a press statement which would in fact record, among other, the parties's commitment on abolishing the current system of security and guarantees, and the termination of the so called rights of intervention. Instead, the Turkish Foreign Minister repeated Turkey's traditional positions on maintaining a system of security and guarantees, and a permanent presence of troops in reunited Cyprus. Moreover, contrary to the UN framework on territorial adjustments, Turkey steadfastly refused to address Greek Cypriot concerns.

It is deeply disappointing that at a critical point in the process, when Turkey was called to prove in a tangible manner its rhetoric that it is committed to a solution, it merely repeated its well-known unacceptable positions. We therefore hope that Turkey will revisit its intransigent positions, particularly in the areas of security and guarantees, and as regards demands that are not in line with Cyprus's capacity as a member-state of the EU, so as to create sound prospects of achieving an overall agreement.

I would like to convey in the clearest terms that we are strongly committed to negotiate a solution within the parameters that the Secretary General set, for a viable comprehensive settlement fully in line with European and international law that reunites Cyprus in a truly independent and sovereign state, free of any third country dependencies that will offer the prospect of prosperity and peaceful co-existence for all its citizens.


At the time of my election as President of the Republic of Cyprus, this country was on the verge of financial collapse, a consequence of the short-sighted policies of the past. Today, we can proudly - once more - connect Cyprus to growth and potential. Cyprus is currently one of the fastest growing economies of the EU, with a GDP growth rate close to 4%. Most importantly, this growth rate is expected to remain at similar levels for the next coming years. Our plan has been to continuously improve the country's business environment so as to reinforce the position of Cyprus as a competitive, innovative, stable and fully transparent destination for business and investment.

In this respect, we have recognized the importance of maintaining sound public finances, of preserving a stable and competitive tax regime, and of providing incentives for new business and investment. We have promoted significant reforms in the welfare system, the health care system, the management of public finances, in tax administration and, most importantly, in the banking sector. We have also been actively promoting new investment opportunities.

Despite the economic difficulties that we have faced, our country's comparative advantages not only remain intact, but have been further enhanced and expanded, setting them apart from most investment destinations. Cyprus continues to be a highly competitive center for international businesses, offering a platform for operations and preferential access to markets like Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia.

We are now focusing on attracting investors in the productive sectors of the economy, and our effort has been delivering results: Foreign Direct Investment has witnessed a 9.1% rise in 2016, compared to the previous year, which was the second largest increase at EU level. This is my Government's most important priority, following the restoration of the state's and the financial system's credibility. The majority of economic sectors in Cyprus present growth opportunities: energy, tourism, shipping, real estate, education, health, transport, research and innovation.

We are striving towards making Cyprus a world class destination for business and investment. This is how we shall continue to create jobs, opportunities and prosperity for our people: this is precisely the ambition and commitment of my government.


In welcoming you to Cyprus, I would kindly request that you convey to the President of the State of Israel, His Excellency, Mr. Reuven Rivlin, as well as to the Prime Minister, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu and the people of Israel, our warmest and sincere greetings for peace and prosperity.

Ambassador Revel, I warmly welcome you to Cyprus and I wish you a constructive and fruitful tenure.'

Government of the Republic of Cyprus published this content on 05 January 2018 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 05 January 2018 10:14:04 UTC.

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