Meet Honduras' first female president

(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) HONDURAN PRESIDENT-ELECT, XIOMARA CASTRO, SAYING: "No more poverty and misery in Honduras, together we shall always strive towards victory. Together we will transform this country."

Xiomara Castro was sworn in on January 27th

flanked by her children and husband, former president Manuel Zelaya

(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PRESIDENT OF HONDURAS, XIOMARA CASTRO, SAYING:"I promise to be faithful to the Republic, to comply and enforce the Constitution and its laws."

A self-proclaimed democratic socialist, Castro won the support of Hondurans

on an anti-poverty and anti-corruption platform

(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) PRESIDENT OF HONDURAS, XIOMARA CASTRO, SAYING:"Honduras has been sunk these past 12 years and I receive a bankrupt country. The people must know what they did with the money and where are the 20 million dollars they [past government] borrowed."

Castro's inauguration ends the eight-year rule

of the conservative National Party's Juan Orlando Hernandez

who has been accused in U.S. courts of corruption

and links to drug traffickers, allegations he denies

(SOUNDBITE) (Spanish) HONDURAN STUDENT, LUCILA DURON, SAYING:"We have hope and faith placed first in God and in a woman who is going to govern us. A woman who is going to return our rights, joy, hope, security and jobs to all the Honduran people."