Geenex Solar LLC (“Geenex”) is embarking on an exciting new decade. In contrast to only five years ago, Geenex begins the year 2020 with triple the employees and an active development pipeline that has grown to more than 4.0 GW across its core markets. Geenex has expanded its development portfolio from its home base of North Carolina to include four additional states in the Southeast, Mid-Atlantic and Midwest regions of the United States.

Geenex’s successful track record stems from its knowledge of and concentration within the PJM wholesale electricity market. With a specific focus on the development of solar facilities between 20 MW to more than 350 MW in size, Geenex-originated projects have attracted interest from some of the largest utilities and investors in the country. To date, the development expertise of the Geenex team has led to the successful sale of over 1.9 GW of solar development projects to third parties. “Corporations like Facebook, Amazon, Microsoft and Google, as well as large manufacturers such as Toyota and P&G, are helping to drive the demand for renewable energy across the U.S.,” said Kara Price, Senior VP of Permitting and Development for Geenex Solar. “Geenex is specifically positioned to accommodate this large-scale shift to solar power and to bring these valuable investments to the states and counties in which we develop.”

“Geenex’s proven processes and experienced team members are what has enabled us to quickly build an extensive and actionable development pipeline in only a few short years that has attracted investor interest and led to successful transactions. We are excited to embark on the next chapter of Geenex as we continue to execute on our active development portfolio,” stated Georg Veit, CEO of Geenex Solar. “What’s more, our partners and investors appreciate that our solar projects deliver tangible benefits to the local communities. Geenex is pleased to be able to provide the opportunity for landowners, communities, and industry to work together to secure our energy needs and independence for the future.”

The impact from these solar facilities extend well beyond their clean energy generation and financial benefits. Geenex’s success, and its commitment to the communities in which it develops, has also supported the growth of the non-profit Center for Energy Education (C4EE) based in Halifax County, North Carolina.

The C4EE was created from a shared vision between Halifax County officials and Geenex Solar. Between 2018 to 2019, more than 500 students, 173 teachers and 179 county leaders have participated in summer camps, training programs, educational seminars, and workforce development courses through the C4EE’s programs. Mozine Lowe, Executive Director of the C4EE, remarked, “Geenex’s establishment and continued support of the C4EE allows us to offer a place for people of all ages to learn and explore many aspects of renewable energy. As their geographic focus grows, the C4EE looks forward to growing our outreach programs with them.”

About Geenex

Geenex Solar is a greenfield developer of utility-scale solar projects. Geenex is skilled in all aspects of solar project development including site evaluation, real estate procurement, facility and interconnection engineering, environmental analysis, as well as federal, state and local permitting. Geenex Solar’s experienced and community-focused team ensures a solar project’s successful navigation of the development process from its initial stages through to its delivery of clean, reliable power to the grid. Geenex – Simply Solar. Please visit for more information.

About the Center for Energy Education

The mission of the Center for Energy Education is to build a place where education, research and industry-leading professionals work and learn side-by-side. The goal of the Center for Energy Education is to educate and inform the community about all aspects of energy, from generation to consumption. Please visit for more information.