Now Zara is pledging to get greener.

Parent firm Inditex - the world's biggest fashion retailer - said Tuesday (July 11) that it would work harder on sustainability.

It says that by 2030 it will make all its garments from textiles that have a "reduced impact on the environment".

It says about 40% will come from recycled fibres.

A quarter will come from next-generation materials in which it's investing.

Another quarter will come from sustainably farmed crops.

And the rest will come from other sustainable sources.

The new targets come as the European Commission draws up targets to make clothing retailers pay for the waste the industry produces.

It says the fast-fashion sector encourages people to buy impulsively and in bulk, creating a throw-away culture.

Inditex had already been investing in more sustainable textiles, but without specific targets for recycling.

It has put money into firms like Circ.

The start-up develops technology to separate cotton and polyester - often blended in textiles - allowing them to then be recycled.