Rockville, MD, Jan. 24, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fisher House Foundation today announced it is giving a $50,000 grant in support to Hope For The Warriors to help provide critical aid for Coast Guard families impacted by the government shutdown. Since January 10, Hope For The Warriors has been providing gift cards to help Coast Guards members, who are currently working without pay, to help them pay for essentials. 




Fisher House Foundation saw a critical need to help Hope For The Warriors continue this important work and is challenging other nonprofits, corporations, foundations and individuals to join the effort and match the $50,000. 

“This is the very least we can do to support our Coast Guard,” said Ken Fisher, Chairman and CEO of Fisher House Foundation.  “These men and women are out there every day, putting their life on the line to ensure our country’s safety, while their families are being forced to go to food banks and cutting back on necessities.  As a nation, I know we can do better than this and that’s why we’re calling on others to join us in matching this donation.”

As the government shutdown continues, Coast Guard members have continued the important work of helping to protect our nation’s security on our waterways despite not getting paid. According to Hope For The Warriors, one mother told them that she was selling things on Craigslist to get money to pay for gas and her utilities.  Families requesting assistance are vetted by caseworkers at Hope For The Warriors to ensure they are eligible for emergency assistance, and those with the greatest needs are served first. Gift cards of $100 are being distributed for a family of four or less; $200 for a family of five and are given out based on the family’s specific needs. 

However, Hope For The Warriors’ relief funds are running dangerously low as this shutdown continues. Fisher House Foundation has stepped up to help, but it’s not enough. 

"Thanks to our partner, the Fisher House Foundation, Hope For The Warriors is able to meet the growing need of support for Coast Guard heroes and their families impacted by the government shutdown," said Hope For The Warriors President and CEO Robin Kelleher. "We can offer financial resources that meet the greater demand, ensuring rent and bills are paid, food can stay on the table and cars are filled with gas."

If you need assistance, visit and apply for services, the intake team will reach out as soon as they can. Please have a pay stub or LES readily available.

If you want to help support the cause, go to:!/donation/checkout. Your donation is tax deductible.

"We hope that the public will join the Fisher House Foundation in their generosity and contribute to our efforts. Together, we are making a difference for these Coast Guard families in need," added Kelleher.




About Fisher House Foundation

Fisher House Foundation has a long history of supporting military families, even when the government is shut down. In 2013 and 2018, Fisher House offered to cover death benefits for families of fallen military members during government shutdowns and advocated strongly for Congress to take those benefits off the table for subsequent shutdowns, which they ultimately did.

Fisher House Foundation is best known for a network of 80 comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment.  These homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide, and in Europe, close to the medical center or hospital it serves. Fisher Houses have up to 21 suites, with private bedrooms and baths.  Families share a common kitchen, laundry facilities, a warm dining room and an inviting living room.  Fisher House Foundation ensures that there is never a lodging fee.  Since inception, the program has saved military and veterans’ families an estimated $400+ million in out of pocket costs for lodging and transportation.

Fisher House Foundation also operates the Hero Miles Program, using donated frequent flyer miles to bring family members to the bedside of injured service members as well as the Hotels for Heroes program using donated hotel points to allow family members to stay at hotels near medical centers without charge.  The Foundation also manages a grant program that supports other military charities and scholarship funds for military children, spouses and children of fallen and disabled veterans.

About Hope For The Warriors

Founded in 2006, Hope For The Warriors is a national nonprofit dedicated to restoring a sense of self, family and hope for post 9/11 veterans, service members and military families. Since its inception, Hope For The Warriors has served more than 19,000 through a variety of support programs focused on clinical health and wellness, sports and recreation and transition. The nonprofit’s first program, A Warrior’s Wish, has granted 200 wishes to fulfill a desire for a better quality of life or support a quest for gratifying endeavors. In addition, Run For The Warriors has captured the hearts of more than 25,500 since 2010. For more information, visit, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.


  • Shutdown_Gift Matching
  • wevegotyourbackCG
Kerri Childress
Fisher House Foundation

Erin McCloskey
Hope For The Warriors