Encore Health Resources announced today that its CoreANALYTICS® 1.0 architecture - a set of integrated analytical tools that help drive continuous health-system performance improvement - has been listed on the federal government's Certified Health IT Product List website as compliant with the ONC 2014 Edition criteria as an EHR Module. The CoreANALYTICS EHR certification formally occurred on November 27, 2013, by the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT®), an ONC-ACB, in accordance with the certification criteria adopted by the secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). The ONC 2014 Edition criteria support both Stages 1 and 2 meaningful use measures required to qualify eligible providers and hospitals for funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA).

CoreANALYTICS is a set of integrated analytical tools that, coupled with Encore services, helps to drive continuous health-system performance improvement through the application of "smart, skinny data," or an Encore approach that focuses on capturing just the data required to solve specific problems.

"We believe this certification confirms that Encore's CoreANALYTICS software tools are poised to assist health systems meet and exceed thresholds for the quality and performance measures required to qualify for U.S. Government EHR Meaningful-Use incentive payments and avoid associated penalties - as well as manage emerging, at-risk government and commercial payment models," said Sherie Giles, Partner for Research and Development, Encore Health Resources. "CoreANALYTICS comprises a uniquely comprehensive solution that transforms data generated by EHRs, as well as financial and operational systems, into actionable intelligence for proactive management of patient populations, quality, and costs. This helps providers navigate through and beyond challenges posed by the healthcare industry's rapid shift from fee-for-service to fee-for-value care-delivery and reimbursement models."

The ONC HIT Certification Program certifies that EHR Modules meet one or more - but not all - of the 2014 Edition criteria approved by the Secretary of Health & Human Services (HHS) for either eligible provider or hospital technology.

"CCHIT congratulates companies successfully achieving EHR technology certification," said Alisa Ray, executive director, CCHIT. "These companies are now able to make their products available to providers wishing to adopt health IT to demonstrate meaningful use and earn federal incentives."

CoreANALYTICS 1.0's certification number is CC-2014-100098-1. ONC HIT certification conferred by CCHIT does not represent an endorsement of the certified EHR technology by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.

CoreANALYTICS 1.0's modular certification qualifies the technology as capable of supporting achievement of meaningful use for the Medicare and Medicaid EHR incentive programs. The technology is also differentiated by its analytics engine - included in the certification -- which enriches information through proven data derivation and measure calculations, successfully demonstrated compliance criteria for Clinical Quality Measures (CQM) and Utilization Measures (Core/Menu Set).

CoreANALYTICS 1.0 met the following certification criteria and clinical quality measures: § 170.314(c)(1), capture and export; 170.314(c)(2), incorporate and calculate; § 170.314(c)(3), electronic submission; § 170.314(g)(2), automated measure calculation; and § 170.314(g)(4) quality management system. It also met the following clinical quality measures: CMS55v2, CMS71v3, CMS72v2, CMS73v2, CMS91v3, CMS102v2, CMS104v2, CMS105v2, CMS107v2, CMS108v2, CMS109v2, CMS110v2, CMS111v2, CMS114v2 and CMS190v2.

Additional costs incurred may include: Software License Agreement; Implementation fees per source system, including install, training, and source system connectivity; any client costs necessary to bring hardware to recommended configuration.

About Encore

Encore Health Resources is one of the most successful consulting firms in the health information technology (HIT) industry. Founded in 2009 and led by Encore CEO Dana Sellers and President Tom Niehaus, the company provides consulting services and solutions that assist its expanding client base with a wide range of HIT strategy, advisory, implementation, process-redesign, and optimization initiatives. Encore focuses on capturing the right data at the right time, establishing analytical capabilities that meet the evolving information and reporting needs of healthcare providers to document and improve clinical and operational performance. For more information, please visit http://encorehealthresources.com/.


The Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT®) is an independent, 501©3 nonprofit organization with the public mission of accelerating the adoption of robust, interoperable health information technology. The Commission has been certifying electronic health record technology since 2006 and is authorized by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) of the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) as a certification body (ONC-ACB). CCHIT is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as a certification body for the ONC HIT Certification Program for electronic health record (EHR) technology and accredited by the National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as an accredited Testing Laboratory (ATL) to test EHRS. More Information on CCHIT and its programs is available at http://cchit.org.

Encore Health Resources
Gina Jesberg, 802-952-1048
Mobile: 203-545-3186
Director of Communications