Eastwind Networks, the cybersecurity solutions company, today announced that it will be attending RSA Conference 2017 to promote its newly expanded enterprise solution—Eastwind Breach Analytics Cloud to provide visibility, forensics and incident response capabilities.

“Eastwind Networks offers the only breach analytics cloud that provides complete visibility of a corporate, virtual, cloud infrastructure and application providers,” said Paul Kraus, CEO of Eastwind Networks. “Existing solutions offer only partial visibility, limiting an organization’s ability to secure the enterprise and leading to a complicated collection of point solutions. Our technology searches, automatically and on-demand providing the critical context to respond after a breach. We are thrilled to have a presence with our new enterprise solution and look forward to expanding our network connections at this annual event.”

Held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco from February 13—17, RSA Conference provides an annual platform to connect over 45,000 attendees with ideas and cutting-edge technology to safeguard the digital world against of cyberthreats. This year, Paul Kraus, CEO; Robert Huber, CSO; and Brandon Everett, Sales Executive, will attend the conference and host an off-site suite at the Ritz Carlton to meet with security professionals, industry analysts and reporters to discuss Eastwind’s expanded Enterprise solution—Eastwind Breach Analytics Cloud—as a value add to any security stack.

Additionally, Eastwind Networks will sponsor the ICS Village in the Sandbox onsite at the conference. This unique conference space is dedicated to hands-on interactive experiences with industrial controls and provides a great opportunity for cyber defenders to gain experience attacking and defending specialized systems without impacting real operations.



Eastwind Networks attending RSA Conference 2017, sponsoring the ICS Village
in the Sandbox and available at Ritz Carlton for in-person meetings.


Paul Kraus, CEO
Robert Huber, CSO
Brandon Everett, Sales Executive


Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the conference media room



RSA Conference 2017
Moscone Center
747 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103

For more information, please visit https://www.eastwindnetworks.com/products/.

About Eastwind Networks

Eastwind Networks offers the only breach analytics cloud that provides complete visibility of your key cyber terrain. We analyze the flight data flowing across your corporate networks, virtual networks, cloud provider networks, cloud application networks, and your mobile workforce—quickly and easily. Always watching, our army of automated hunters enable organizations to identify malicious activity that has evaded other security solutions. Founded in 2014 and led by a team of Internet security veterans, Eastwind Networks was recently named a Founders 50 member by Dell. For more information, please visit https://www.eastwindnetworks.com.

About RSA Conference

RSA® Conference is the premier series of global events where the world talks security and leadership gathers, advances and emerges. Whether attending in the U.S., the EMEA region, or the Asia-Pacific region, RSA Conference events are where the security industry converges to discuss current and future concerns and get access to the people, content and ideas that help enable individuals and companies to win, grow and do their best. It is the ultimate marketplace for the latest technologies and hands-on educational opportunities that help industry professionals discover how to make their companies more secure while showcasing the most enterprising, influential and thought-provoking thinkers and leaders in security today. For information on events, online programming and the most up-to-date news pertaining to the information security industry visit www.rsaconference.com.