Press Release 16/01/2013

"The Irish Presidency's priorities are our priorities: guaranteeing stability, growth and the creation of jobs. What Europe needs is sustainable growth. We also need real European policies; more integration. Our economy will only be competitive if we commit to this and if we work more towards fiscal and social harmonisation," said the Chairman of the EPP Group during a plenary debate on the programme of activities of the Irish Presidency.

Joseph Daul stressed the need to strengthen the European policies that support long-term investment: "We need common policies which have contributed to our success, like the CAP or Cohesion Policy as well European innovation policies that offer real synergy in research and development. Our economies are linked to each other, we have a Single Market. Is this not a powerful tool for finding European solutions for our 26 million unemployed? For all these reasons, we must strengthen our economic and monetary union. And for the same reasons, we need a credible European budget, one which can rise to the challenge of reviving our economy."

The Chairman of the largest political Group in the European Parliament praised the reforms applied by Taoiseach Enda Kenny: "I congratulate you for the extraordinary efforts you have made to reverse the trend and take control of the economic recession. You took difficult, but necessary, decisions. Since 2008 Ireland has achieved fiscal consolidation of 18% of its GDP. Your government is on its way to reaching a balanced budget. But, as you know, your success will only be sustainable if you continue on this path. Now is not the time to weaken. There is nothing worse than relaxing efforts when the pressure falls away and when the first positive results come in. Doing so runs the risk of a second crisis worse than the first! Ireland is an example of recovery. Your presidency will, I am sure, be one of European recovery."

Joseph Daul's speech in plenary

For further information:
Joseph Daul MEP, Chairman of the EPP Group, Tel: +33-3-88175525
Delia Vlase, Chairman's Spokeswoman, Tel: +32-476-331038

Notes to Editors:
The EPP Group is by far the largest political group in the European Parliament with 270 Members and 3 Croatian Observer Members.
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