EPA Will Hold a Public Hearing in Boston Feb. 26 on New Wood Stove Air Pollution Standards Proposal would make new wood stoves and heaters significantly cleaner

Release Date: 01/23/2014
Contact Information: David Deegan, (617) 918-1017

(Boston, Mass. - Jan. 23, 2014) - EPA Region 1 will hold a public hearing Feb. 26, 2014 in our downtown Boston office to get public input on proposed standards for the amount of air pollution that can be emitted by new woodstoves and other residential wood heaters. The first phase of the proposed emission standards would likely apply to units manufactured and sold beginning in 2015.

Smoke from residential wood heaters can increase air pollution from soot (also known as fine particle pollution) and toxic pollutants to levels that pose serious health concerns. Particle pollution is linked to a range of serious health effects, including heart attacks, strokes and asthma attacks. In some areas of New England, residential wood smoke significantly reduces air quality in winter months.

EPA's proposed standards would make the next generation of wood stoves and heaters an estimated 80 percent cleaner than those manufactured today, resulting in cleaner air and improved public health across the country. The proposal would not affect wood heaters and stoves currently in use in homes or currently being sold in stores.

More information:

- EPA's current and proposed standards for wood heaters ( http://www2.epa.gov/residential-wood-heaters)

- Register to speak at Feb. 26 public hearing in Boston ( http://www2.epa.gov/residential-wood-heaters/forms/public-hearing-proposed-new-source-performance-standards-residential )

- How to maximize efficiency and protect your family using any wood stove or fireplace ( http://www.epa.gov/burnwise/bestburn.html)

- Cleaner wood appliances; good burning practices; wood stove change-out programs; and other actions to reduce emissions from wood heaters : ( http://epa.gov/burnwise)

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