ALDE Leader Guy Verhofstadt MEP takes a firm stance against the idea that Greece could leave the Eurozone: "The idea that Greece would leave the Eurozone is nonsense for three reasons. Firstly, polls show that 74 percent of the Greeks do not want to leave the Eurozone. Secondly, the Treaties do not allow Greece to leave the Eurozone while staying Member of the EU. And thirdly, it would cost the European taxpayers billions of euros if Greece were to reintroduce the Drachme. Reports show that for Germany alone it would already cost 80 billion euros."

"We should not allow ourselves to create a self-fulfilling prophecy. Instead of talking about a possible Grexit, we should focus on solving the investment problem Greece and other countries are facing. Whilst austerity is necessary, Europe is facing an investment gap of 700 billion euros. That's why the Liberals and Democrats have organised the first big conference about Europe's Investment Plan." 

On Tuesday, at the traditional ALDE Group's New Year's Conference, the Polish Finance Minister Mateusz Szczurekand Guy Verhofstadt  agreed on what is needed to relaunch the European economy.

"Europe needs decisive action on three fronts according to the two leaders:

1)      Continued structural reforms and financial stability in the Member States;
2)      2015 should be the year that the EU will make decisive moves toward completing its digital, transport and energy markets;
3)      A focus on leveraging private investments to close Europe's 700 billion investment gap.

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