EFCA coordination of new CFP provisions

The European Fisheries Control Agency organised a seminar which was hosted by Croatia in Dubrovnik on January 15th and 16th 2014. The seminar adressed control aspects of the implementation of the discard ban introduced as part of the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) package. Representatives from Member States and the European Commission as well as a wide and balanced range of representation of stakeholders from the Advisory Councils and scientific organisations attended this forum.

The new features of the CFP basic regulation require the adaption of the inspection and control regime to meet the new policy obligations. In particular, the policy introduces the obligation to land all catches of specific species and to ensure the availability of detailed and accurate documentation.

Member States agreed that EFCA has a key role in the coordination of the implementation of this landing obligation. EFCA will assist Member States and the European Commission to develop simple and cost effective methods for monitoring and ensuring compliance with the landing obligation and make technical recommendations regarding the range of compliance tools which could be employed. The seminar also recognised that involving the stakeholders and benefiting from the scientists' advices are instrumental to the successful implemenation of the landing obligation.

"In its brokering role, the EFCA will facilitate the use of common methodologies, a level playing field and transparency in the implementation of this new measure under the CFP," said Pascal Savouret, Executive Director of the EFCA.

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