Digby today announced the launch of several new upgrades to Localpoint, Digby's award-winning platform that facilitates consumer engagement in and around brick and mortar locations. Localpoint now offers enhanced targeting based on opted-in consumer profile data, the ability to measure a campaign's success at driving foot traffic to retail stores and extended integration APIs that allow brands to leverage a consumer's presence across the enterprise.

New Localpoint capabilities include:

Profiles takes location-based marketing one step further by linking the context and relevance of a location-sensitive message to key attributes of the person behind the device. Now marketers, such as those at Kohl's and Cabela's, can reach their most valuable customers not only at the right time and place, but with highly targeted, personalized content based on predetermined attributes such as favorite product category, gender, loyalty status, purchase history or store visit frequency.

Target Locations
Localpoint's new Target Locations feature offers marketers a clear view of the impact their campaigns have on a customer's path to purchase. Target Locations completes the funnel analysis for a marketing campaign, associating a marketing message's call to action with a resulting visit to a targeted store nearby, providing insight into how marketing campaigns drive foot traffic to the store's front door.

With Bridge, retailers and brands can seamlessly integrate Localpoint with other key systems such as marketing automation, offer management, CRM, POS, loyalty programs or ecommerce. Bridge makes it possible to coordinate location-marketing programs with existing marketing campaign systems, create a single view of the consumer across channels and even trigger cross-enterprise business processes, such as queuing a remote order for fulfillment or notifying an associate when a consumer enters a store or other location.

Enhanced Marketer's Console
Localpoint's web-based console for managing locations, campaigns, profiles and analytics has been re-built from the ground up. This re-design improves Localpoint's power, usability and flexibility across a variety of campaign management and marketing workflows for the enterprise customer.

"We look forward to expanding our mobile marketing strategy with Digby to include Profiles," said Andrea Grant, Director of Digital Marketing, Cabela's Incorporated (NYSE:CAB). "This new release of the Localpoint platform will provide us the ability to more personally engage our most loyal Cabela's customers."

The launch of Localpoint's new targeting and measurement features is timely. According to Forrester Research Inc.'s June, 2013 report: Location-Predictive Marketing: Predict Consumers' Future Locations and Needs, location-based marketing is maturing to location-predictive marketing. "Examining a consumer's location data in parallel with data about past patterns lets marketers proactively meet a consumer's next needs."

At the National Retail Federation Retail's BIG Show 2014, in booth 1779, Digby will preview its next-generation platform extensions to Localpoint, including beacon-based micro-location detection, analytics and engagement, to demonstrate the way micro-location will be incorporated into future versions of Localpoint. Understanding customer behavior and in-store shopping patterns within brick and mortar stores will give retailers the insight they need to improve store layout, signage and merchandising at the aisle level. Micro-location marketing and analytics will also benefit from Localpoint's extensive set of shopper engagement capabilities, allowing retailers to influence the opted-in consumer while they dwell in a department or even at a shelf. To schedule a time to see Digby's micro-location technology in action, contact DigbyPR@ketnergroup.com.

"We designed this broad set of next generation Localpoint capabilities with one goal in mind: to drastically improve location-based marketing's relevancy and efficacy," said David Sikora, founder and CEO, Digby. "With Localpoint, marketers are positioned to connect the dots between systems and strategies to deliver personal, omni-channel shopper engagement from the nearby neighborhood all the way to the purchase decision in-store."

About Digby

Mobile technology's collision with brick and mortar stores challenges retailers to keep up with consumers who are better connected, better informed and more nimble than ever before. Digby's Localpoint platform enables you to become proactive in the buying process by connecting digital engagement to the physical world. With Localpoint embedded in your branded mobile app, you can seamlessly guide a consumer's purchase path across channels: driving store traffic through location-relevant marketing, personally engaging your customers in the brick and mortar store and developing new insights into consumer visit patterns across your locations. Digby, powering millions of apps in thousands of locations around the world, has been enabling top brands since 2006 including Bed Bath and Beyond, Cabela's, HP, Kohl's, RadioShack, and many more. Learn more about Digby and Localpoint at www.digby.com.

Ketner Group
Catherine Seeds and Caitlin New, 512-794-8876