Press release

Frankfurt am Main
29 January 2014
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Federal bond issue - Auction result -

The result of the auction of 29 January 2014 for the

1.75 % bond of the Federal Republic of Germany of 2014 (2024)

due on 15 February 2024
annual coupon date 15 February
interest begins to accrue on 31 January 2014
first interest payment on 15 February 2015 for 380 days
ISIN DE0001102333 // SIN 110 233
was as follows:

Bids € 7,552.00 mn

Competitive bids € 3,830.00 mn
Non-competitive bids € 3,722.00 mn

Allotment € 4,174.80 mn

- Lowest accepted price 99.77 %
- Weighted average price 99.78 %
- Average yield 1.77 %
- Allotment
- for bids at the lowest accepted price 100 %
- for non-competitive bids 90 % Cover ratio 1.8

Amount set aside for secondary market operations € 825.20 mn

(Own account of the Federal Government) 1)

Issue volume € 5,000.00 mn

1) Placing by the German Finance Agency in the secondary market

Deutsche Bundesbank, Communications Department

Wilhelm-Epstein-Strasse 14, 60431 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Tel: +49 (0)69 9566 3511 or 3512, Fax: +49 (0)69 9566 3077,

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