Economic Club of Canada Address Highlights Priorities of Economic Action Plan 2014

January 14, 2014 - Toronto, Ontario- Department of Finance

In a speech to Toronto's business community, Minister of State (Finance) Kevin Sorenson today outlined the Harper Government's key priorities in shaping Economic Action Plan 2014, its low-tax plan for creating jobs, growth and long-term prosperity.

Ongoing global uncertainty and significant deficits in other countries make it even more important for Canada to remain focused on balanced budgets. Responsible and disciplined use of taxpayers' hard-earned dollars is expected to get us back to balance in 2015-16.

Quick Facts
  • Canada has created over 1 million net new jobs since July 2009, with 85 per cent in full-time positions, more than 80 per cent in the private sector and two-thirds in high-wage industries.
  • Canada is now one of only a handful of countries that continues to receive a triple-A credit rating, with a stable outlook, from all the major credit rating agencies.
  • The average Canadian family of four now pays $3,220 less in taxes as a result of actions taken by the Government since 2006.

"As work continues on Economic Action Plan 2014, our Government remains steadfast in our focus on balancing the budget in 2015 as a means to focusing taxpayer resources on the programs and services that will deliver strong, sustainable and long-term economic growth."

- Kevin Sorenson, Minister of State (Finance)

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Media Contacts

Meagan Murdoch
Office of the Minister of State (Finance)

Jack Aubry
Media Relations
Department of Finance

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