Dealer Market Exchange has officially launched the formation of DMX University and announced a reported $150,000 scholarship fund to support the training of 100 blockchain developer resources in Puerto Rico. Should DMX University succeed, Puerto Rico may become one of the highest concentrations of blockchain developer talent in the world today.

Under the guidance of DMX Foundry, a business blockchain and AI innovation lab under DMX, a new online DMX University program consisting of multiple training levels from “novice” to “expert” is being launched early next year.

“We believe Puerto Rico is one of the most unrecognized and overlooked resources for tech talent in America, stated Jason Bennick, CEO and Co-Founder of DMX, University Chairman and Puerto Rico resident since 2016. “Since Hurricane Maria, we’ve seen many highly qualified resources leave the island for greater opportunities. It is our goal to reverse this by providing a career path for qualified talent to remain here in Puerto Rico, increase their skills, and take advantage of our program to build a local, high-paying career as a blockchain developer.”

DMX University Program Director, Omar González, a native to Puerto Rico and Hyperledger Certified Expert, states the program will consist of 4 levels, with the ultimate goal of having a talented pool of candidates for potential by DMX at reportedly some of the most competitive pay rates found anywhere in the US.

Hyperledger is a conglomerate of open source blockchain projects and tools focused on creating efficient and decentralized transactional applications. They have received the backing from leaders in the finance, banking, supply chain, manufacturing, Internet of Things, and technology, including well-known companies Like Intel, IBM, and SAP, among others.

Mr. González explains that each training level has been designed as a tiered program to reach “expert” level in Hyperledger software development; one of the most sought after developer skills in blockchain.

The training program will accept novice and seasoned candidates alike. The University intends to award 100 qualified applicants with fully funded scholarships to become “Hyperledger Blockchain Certified” by DMX University.

Twenty graduates will be selected for an additional training opportunity; up to ten graduates of which are intended to be part of the pool of candidates that may be offered positions within DMX at the conclusion of their studies.

All program graduates will be invited to participate in the DMX University Partnership Program, where directional support will be provided for placement with DMX affiliates and partners seeking qualified graduates.

“We want to see Puerto Rico stand tall once again. No matter what you do; everyone wants to pitch in. This program is just that, a way to pitch in and provide developers with new skill sets that can benefit developers, DMX and all of Puerto Rico,” said Omar González. He went on to say “We have great talent here on the island. So if we can combine their creativity with our program, we believe the possibilities are endless.”

DMX University is scheduled to go live on April 1st, 2019 and will reportedly be the first company-created institution in Puerto Rico providing an affordable new technology training program to benefit both private and governmental sectors.

Although space will be limited, DMX University will be open to developers of all industries. More information can be found on their website

About DMX Foundry

DMX Foundry was formed under DMX as a think-tank and development innovation lab to architect, design and create enterprise-level business mobility solutions for the world’s transportation industry in blockchain with AI and machine learning, based in Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

Dealer Market Exchange is an enterprise business mobility solutions platform for the automotive industry. DMX provides an intuitive, seamless mobile-web ecosystem of application services to quickly, accurately and economically manage the movement of vehicle assets. DMX is one of the fastest-growing technology startups today, organized and domiciled in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. DMX exports services through the cloud to North America and is expanding worldwide and is a member of MOBI, General Member of Hyperledger, and Silver Member of The Linux Foundation. DMX Foundry operates under DMX as the blockchain and AI innovation lab. For more information, visit or connect on Facebook ( and Twitter (@dmxio).