Sept 14 (Reuters) -

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Today in Washington ------------------------------------------------------------- This Diary is filed daily. ** Indicates new events ------------------------------------------------------------- WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 FRANKFURT - Opening remarks by ECB board member Andrea Enria at Supervision Innovators Conference "Technology and banking supervision connected" organised by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt – 0730 GMT. FRANKFURT - Opening remarks by ECB chief economist Philip Lane at Money Market Contact Group meeting (MMCG) in Frankfurt, Germany - 1100 GMT FRANKFURT - Member of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank Elizabeth McCaul delivers on "The impact of suptech on European banking supervision" at Supervision Innovators Conference "Technology and banking supervision connected" organised by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany – 1200 GMT DUBLIN - Irish Central Bank Deputy Governor Sharon Donnery and Irish Congress of Trade Union President Sheila Nunan speak at conference – 0900 GMT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 ** LISBON - Portugal's central bank governor, Mário Centeno, speaks at a financial supervision conference in Lisbon – 1200 GMT ** MADRID - Minister for Economy of Spain Nadia Calvino to speak at economy forum in Madrid. FRANKFURT - Panel participation by ECB board member Elizabeth McCaul in OMFIF-SPI symposium on developments in international standards for sustainable finance – 0930 GMT. LISBON - Keynote speech by Vice-President of the European Central Bank Luis de Guindos on "Euro area current policy challenges" at annual International Conference 2022 "The Future of the EU Financial System in a New Geo-Economic Context" organised by the Research Centre on Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Sector (CIRSF) in Lisbon, Portugal – 0915 GMT FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 ** PARIS - ECB President Christine Lagarde and Bank of France Governor Francois Villeroy de Galhau talk in an event, "20 ans de l'euro", organised by Banque de France in Paris, France – 0930 GMT. TOKYO - Masato Kanda, Japan's vice finance minister for international affairs, to discuss Japan’s economy, the condition of its financial system and how international developments are shifting Japanese policy – 1100 GMT. DUBLIN - ECB Chief Economist Philip Lane speaks at annual Dublin Economics Workshop conference (to Sep. 17). SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 WEXFORD, Ireland - Cantillon lecture by Philip Lane, ECB chief economist, at 45th Annual Dublin Economics Workshop – 1645 GMT. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 MADRID - Speech by ECB Vice President Luis de Guindos at the annual meeting Consejos Consultivos organised by Banco Sabadell in Madrid - 0900 GMT FRANKFURT - Panel participation by ECB bank supervisor Andrea Enria at the Single Resolution Board Annual Conference in Brussels - 0945 GMT STOCKHOLM – Riksbank holds monetary policy meeting 4 – 0700 GMT. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 WATERLOO, Canada - Bank of Canada Deputy Governor Paul Beaudry delivers speech at University of Waterloo Arts Distinguished Lecture in Economics on Pandemic macroeconomics: What we’ve learned, and what may lie ahead - 1945 GMT PHILADELPHIA, United States - The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey for September. - 1230 GMT STOCKHOLM – Swedish Central Bank announces interest rate decision. September 2022 Monetary policy report will be published – 0730 GMT. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) starts its two-day meeting on interest rates (To Sep 21). WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 ** COLOGNE, Germany - Speech by Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the ECB at the Insurance Summit 2022 organised by Altamar CAM in Cologne, Germany – 0700 GMT. WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Federal Reserve's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announces its decision on interest rates followed by statement – 1800 GMT. WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Federal Reserve chairperson holds a news conference. FRANKFURT – The Governing Council of the ECB holds non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt. TOKYO – The Bank of Japan holds Monetary Policy Meeting (To Sep 22). THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 ** BERLIN - German Finance Minister Christian Lindner discusses current and future challenges for the financial sector at German insurance business event – 0745 GMT. SAN FRANCISCO - Bank of England policy maker Silvana Tenreyro speaks at a seminar at the San Francisco Fed on ‘climate-change pledges, actions and outcomes’ – 1300 GMT. STOCKHOLM – Riksbank Deputy Governor Henry Ohlsson will discuss inflation, rising interest rates and the international situation at the Western Sweden Chamber of Commerce. – 0700 GMT. STOCKHOLM – Riksbank Deputy Governor Martin Flodén will open the seminar Fastighet och finans and will discuss the monetary policy decision and what the Riksbank is doing to control inflation at Business Arena Stockholm 2022. – 1130 GMT. LONDON – The Bank of England announces rate decision and publishes the minutes of the meeting after the rate decision – 1100 GMT. ZURICH – The Swiss National Bank's (SNB) monetary policy assessment – 0730 GMT. FRANKFURT – The General Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt. OSLO – The Norway Central Bank holds announcement of the executive board's interest rate decision and publication of monetary policy followed by press conference – 0830 GMT. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 OSLO - Norway Central Bank Governor Ida Wolden Bache gives a lecture for regional network Innlandet - 0800 GMT. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 ** BOSTON, Massachusetts - Federal Reserve Bank of Boston President Susan Collins speaks on strengths and challenges in the national and regional economy, the work of the Federal Reserve both nationally and in New England, and her background and the work she plans to pursue as Boston Fed president before the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce – 1400 GMT. ** ATLANTA, Georgia - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic participates in virtual Washington Post Live interview on causes and impact of income and wealth inequality in the United States – 1600 GMT. KRISTIANSAND, Norway - Norway Central Bank Deputy governor Oystein Borsum and director of monetary policy Ole Christian Bech-Moen will give a lecture for the Regional Network South - 0800 GMT. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 LONDON - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans speaks on current economic conditions or monetary policy before the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum: "The Future of the U.S. Economy," in London, England – 1015 GMT. TOKYO – The Bank of Japan releases minutes of monetary policy meeting held on July 20 and 21 – 2350 GMT. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 ** ATLANTA, Georgia - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic participates in moderated conversation on "Leadership in Banking" before the "Banking and the Economy: A Forum for Minorities in Banking” – 1235 GMT. LONDON - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans participates in moderated question-and-answer session on current economic conditions or monetary policy hosted by the London School of Economics, in London, England – 1800 GMT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 CLEVELAND - Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland President Loretta Mester participates in a policy panel before hybrid "Inflation: Drivers and Dynamics Conference 2022" co-hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland's Center for Inflation Research - 1700 GMT. STOCKHOLM – Swedish Central Bank minutes from the monetary policy will be published – 0730 GMT. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 NEW YORK - Federal Reserve Vice Chair Lael Brainard and Federal Reserve Bank of New York President John Williams give opening and closing remarks before hybrid Financial Stability Considerations for Monetary Policy Conference. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2 TOKYO – The Bank of Japan to release summary of opinions from board members at its Sept. 21-22 policy meeting – 2350 GMT. MONDAY, OCTOBER 3 ATLANTA, United States - Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks in Atlanta at "Techology-Enabled Disruption" conference organized by Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Dallas and Richmond. - 1545 GMT ATLANTA - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphael Bostic gives welcome and opening remarks at the 2022 Technology-Enabled Disruption (TED) conference, hosted by the Federal Reserve Banks of Atlanta, Richmond, and Dallas - 1305 GMT. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 ** ATLANTA, Georgia - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta President Raphel Bostic speaks on "Staying Resolute in the Battle Against Inflation in a virtual lecture at Northwestern University Institute for Policy Research Distinguished Public Policy – 2000 GMT. WELLINGTON – The Reserve Bank of New Zealand holds Monetary Policy Review – 0100 GMT. STOCKHOLM – Riksbank executive board meeting – 0700 GMT. FRANKFURT – The Governing Council of the ECB holds non-monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 CHICAGO, United States - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans participates in moderated Q&A with Illinois Chamber of Commerce. - 1700 GMT HALIFAX, Canada - Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem will deliver a speech at the Halifax Chamber of Commerce in Nova Scotia - 1550 GMT. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10 ** CHICAGO, Illinois - Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago President Charles Evans speaks on current economic conditions and monetary policy before the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) 64th Annual Meeting, "Shocks and Aftershocks: Finding Balance in an Unstable World" – 1300 GMT. OSLO - Deputy Governor at Riksbank Henry Ohlsson participates in a panel discussion in connection with the announcement of the Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel – 1530 GMT. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 LONDON - The Bank of England publishes a summary of the latest meeting of its Financial Policy Summary Committee. WASHINGTON DC - The Federal Open Market Committee issues minutes from its Sept. 20-21 meet - 1800 GMT. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 STOCKHOLM – Riksbank general council meeting – 1100 GMT. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19 WASHINGTON DC – The Federal Reserve issues the Beige Book of economic condition – 1800 GMT. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20 LISBON - The central bank of the Portuguese Republic and the Bank of England organises 6th Annual Workshop of the ESCB Research Cluster 3 on "Financial Stability, Macroprudential Regulation and Macroprudential Supervision" (To Oct 21) TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25 PHILADELPHIA - Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia issues Nonmanufacturing Business Outlook Survey for October – 1230 GMT. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 OTTAWA - Bank of Canada's Governor Tiff Macklem and Senior Deputy Governor Carolyn Rogers hold a press conference to discuss the contents of the Report – 1500 GMT. STOCKHOLM – Riksbank executive board meeting – 0700 GMT. OTTAWA – The Bank of Canada's key policy interest rate announcement and Monetary Policy Report - 1400 GMT THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27 FRANKFURT - European Central Bank (ECB) president Christine Lagarde speaks to reporters following the Governing Council's monetary policy meeting – 1245 GMT FRANKFURT – Press conference following the Governing Council meeting of the ECB in Frankfurt – 1230 GMT. FRANKFURT – The Governing Council of the ECB holds monetary policy meeting in Frankfurt TOKYO – The Bank of Japan holds Monetary Policy Meeting (To Oct. 28) ---------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE: The inclusion of items in this diary does not necessarily mean that Reuters will file a story based on the event. For technical issues, please contact Thomson Reuters Customer Support (TRCS) at