Riga, 10 January 2014
EUCO 11/14

Speech by President of the European Council Herman Van

Rompuy at the celebration of Latvia's adoption of the euro

What a positive way to start the year than to celebrate together Latvia's adoption of the euro. A new addition to the family is always a moment to rejoice. So on behalf of the entire eurozone and to all the people of Latvia: a very, very warm welcome!
We have just heard some beautiful music, and this is a stunning choice of venue - a small sample of all that Riga has to offer as Europe's capital of culture for 2014. But there is more to this building: as former home to this city's guilds, it is a symbol. Of craftsmen, citizens and merchants choosing to come together to further their trade. Bringing together their strengths, to open up new prospects for all. A symbol for a simple idea: that together, we are stronger. It is true for people, and it is true for nations - something that your country, historically part of the Hanseatic league, has always known well.
It is this very idea that brings us together today. In the words of Latvia's famous writer Zenta Mauri