WASHINGTON, Jan. 3, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- The Corporate Whistleblower Center says, "A few times each month the Department of Justice announces what they refer to as a 'False Claim Settlement' involving a healthcare provider or contractor that was overbilling the government in some way and in our opinion the one or two per month is pretty pathetic. Frequently these announcements include multimillion-dollar whistleblower rewards. In our view the Department of Justice should be making whistleblower reward announcements every single day, but to achieve this they will need some help.

"Part of the problem with the federal whistleblower program is the Department of Justice does not have the manpower and expertise to investigate these types of cases on a high-volume basis. As we would like to explain anytime at 866-714-6466 we believe a private equity firm with an aggressive national-state specific game plan focused on identifying whistleblowers, and building out the whistleblower's case could produce better reward results for the whistleblower and significant profits the private equity firm for their assistance and participation. What we are saying is whistleblowing in the United States should be a big business." http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com

The types of Targets That Could Be the Focus of a Collaboration Between a Private Equity Firm and a Whistleblower with Proof of Wrongdoing Would Include:

  • Nursing homes employees with proof their employer is overbilling Medicare for adequate staffing levels when in fact the facility is short staffed. This also occurs in rehab or skilled nursing facilities and it is an issue in every state. The reward potential here is in the billions of dollars.
  • An employee of a government contractor that is billing a federal agency for work that was never done, inflating their pricing beyond the terms of the contract, or for being out of compliance with their contract. This is also an issue in every state and the reward potential is in the billions of dollars.
  • Managers with proof a healthcare company is bribing physicians to overutilize their products or services. This is an ongoing problem in every state and the cumulative reward potential is in the billions of dollars.
  • An executive with proof a publicly traded company has intentionally lied to their shareholders about revenue shortfalls or serious operational issues or wrongdoing to artificially inflate the value of their stock. 

According to the Corporate Whistleblower Center, "As it sits right now there are boutique law firms in most states that assist whistleblowers -- but they hardly ever advertise. We think if a private equity firm wanted to go after Institutional Medicare Fraud as an example they could probably make a couple hundred million dollars a year -- once they got rolling -- provided they had an aggressive marketing plan, first class intake capabilities and a focus on partnering with the whistleblower to build out their claim to make it more valuable.

"As far as attorneys to advance the whistleblower claim the private equity firm could retain the services of very capable outside law firm -- for a set price per case, or they could retain the services of two or three very capable attorneys who are former Assistant US Attorneys at the Justice Department's Civil Division who have superior written skills as far as crafting complaints, proven courtroom skills and they have connections. As far as state specific branding we are already branded in nearly every US State with state specific websites and we know our targets." http://CorporateWhistleblower.Com

As it was set up the False Claims Act allows for whistleblowers to collaborate, to form a team and if necessary prosecute a healthcare company or a government contractor if they have significantly overbilled the federal government.  The reward thresholds can vary between 15% to 30% depending on how involved the government gets in the lawsuit. "Think this has never been done before? Actually -- it has: Please review the news article titled, "How Four Men Got Rich Exposing Pharma Fraud." https://www.cnbc.com/id/41491563

For more information a private equity firm's senior executive is welcome to call the Corporate Whistleblower Center anytime at 866-714-6466. http://CorporateWhistleblowerCenter.Com

Media contact:
Thomas Martin

Cision View original content with multimedia:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/corporate-whistleblower-center-believes-now-is-the-time-to-take-whistleblowing-to-a-new-level-with-an-aggressive-approach-by-a-private-equity-firm-to-potentially-make-millions-in-profits-300576383.html

SOURCE Corporate Whistleblower Center