Confidas, the market leading provider of mid and high net worth insurance portfolio products for home, travel, motor and pet, is pleased to announce that it has been selected by First Complete and Pink, foremost UK mortgage and insurance intermediary networks, to join their general insurance (GI) panels. This partnership is a first for the network intermediary sector, with Confidas and its parent company, Smith Greenfield, not currently featuring on any other network panel.

Confidas products are available exclusively through advisers and traditional GI brokers. Confidas provides highly competitive home insurance propositions for customers with mid and high net worth homes and possessions and allows them to add additional properties, travel insurance, motor and pet insurance at any time.

The Confidas product portfolio enables advisers to compete more effectively for MNW and HNW business, allowing them to quote and buy a MNW home product 24/7. The platform also commits to providing the majority of HNW home quotes within four working hours, which in turn supports advisers in winning business and achieving higher customer service levels.

For Confidas, this deal consolidates its growth in 2017, which has seen its Gross Written Premium increase by just under 50%. Confidas is now writing business at a level which should see a further 35% growth in 2018.

Steve Smith, Partnership Director at Confidas, says:

“We are delighted that First Complete and Pink are the first intermediary networks that we join, and we are looking forward to working closely with their advisers in the future. At Confidas, we recognise that people with high value homes and possessions require higher levels of specialist cover and attentive service. By offering our products through First Complete and Pink’s advisers, we can be sure that policyholders will receive the individual attention, bespoke cover and first-class service they deserve.”

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