According to Chris Miller, author of "Chip War", the US government is set to announce multi-billion dollar subsidies to support the semiconductor industry by the end of next month. This initiative follows a shortage of chips used to drive artificial intelligence systems.

Leading technology companies such as Microsoft, Amazon and Google are currently under-supplied. In response, countries such as the US, Japan, Europe and China are investing massively in their semiconductor industries, with investments running into tens of billions of dollars, to guarantee their autonomy and competitive advantage in the production of these essential components.

In his opinion, Nvidia, the dominant player in the market, draws its strength from its complete and well-established ecosystem, which poses a considerable challenge to new entrants such as AMD and Chinese companies, which are forced to develop their own ecosystems due to US trade restrictions.

Finally, he points out that the main uncertainty lies in the ability of companies to monetise AI and justify the colossal investments in this technology. While the excitement around AI applications is palpable, the risk of a technology bubble remains, where investments may not result in financial returns and prove unprofitable in the long term.

Bloomberg videos, provided by MT Newswires