CHENGDU, China, Jan. 16, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- On December 27, Chengdu Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone (CDHT) announced that Chengdu Tianfu Software Park had won the title of "Leading Park in China Software and Information Service Industry" at the 2017 China Software Conference held in Beijing recently. This is the 7th time the Park had been awarded the honor.

The China Software Conference is sponsored by the China Center for Information Industry Development, and is the highest-level conference in the software and information service industry of China. Receiving close attention and recognition from government authorities and insiders, this conference is held in high regard in the development of software and information service industry, and has evaluated and unveiled authoritative lists for 15 consecutive years.

As the first western Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, as well as the first comprehensive innovation and reform area in Sichuan, and the core zone of China (Sichuan) Pilot Free Trade Zone, CDHT is striving to achieve high quality economic development. In the process of building the National Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone, CDHT saw the high-tech park as an important facilitator of in-depth international cooperation on all fronts. It aims to integrate and aggregate international innovation resources, and continuously explore new models for innovation and development by strengthening international cooperation on all fronts.

"The fact that the Park has been awarded with such an honor so many times highlights the Park's comprehensive strength in a variety of aspects such as influence, innovation, execution, foresight, development and contribution, and also showcases the new Chengdu Central Activity Zone." According to officials, CDHT is committed to establishing an international innovation and entrepreneurship center valued at one trillion RMB and creating a layout featuring "one zone, four parks and multiple pivots." In addition, economic geography will be reshaped in the southern Hi-Tech Zone where the Park lies, and the "river-embracing development" will be achieved. CDHT is sparing no effort in creating the Chengdu Central Activity Zone as it seeks to become a new global economic source.

New Economy Enterprises Clustering, Regional Brand Value Hits RMB 415,62 million

As new economies are emerging and developing, generally the one who is first to grasp the opportunity of new economic development is likely to occupy center stage in international competition.

As a leader of economic development in Chengdu, CDHT has successfully incubated an array of high-growth enterprises including XinChao Media, XW Bank and XGimi Technology. It has also introduced Tencent Chengdu R&D Center, HIT (Chengdu) Technology Institute for Robots and Intelligent Equipment Industry, and other R&D institutions owned by star enterprises, which lays a solid foundation for further economic development.

Chengdu Tianfu Software Park is situated in the south of the High-tech Zone and in the core area of Sichuan Pilot Free Trade Zone. The park and its periphery has an area of 10 square kilometers and is intended to be the international demonstration base for innovation and entrepreneurship. Since coming into service in 2005, CDHT has attracted over 600 internationally and domestically renowned enterprises such as IBM, SAP, EMC, Phillips, Maersk, Siemens, Ericsson, Dell, Wipro, DHL,  PwC, NCS, Garmin, Alibaba, Tencent and Manulife Financial, including 34 Fortune 500 enterprises, top 10 global software companies, top 100 Chinese software companies and state-planned key software enterprises, in addition to numerous CMMI-certified companies. The Park is currently seeing a strong industrial cluster taking shape in the software and information service industry. The industrial cluster has become an important carrier for the innovation and development of the new-generation information technology industry and the major innovation and entrepreneurship hub in western China, while also being a significant base for building international innovation and entrepreneurship center in CDHT.

According to an official of the Park, by making full use of new-generation information technologies such as Internet of Things, big data and mobile internet, the Park has been renewing its efforts in advancing the incubation of startups, SMEs management, and the construction of sharing service platforms and smart parks in 2017. On March 21, 2017, China Quality Certification Center announced the evaluation results of 160 regional brands, among which the Park came in 2nd in the service industry, with a brand value of RMB 415,62 million. On November 10, the Park also won the title of "2017 Leading Park in China Software and Information Service Industry" granted by China Information Technology and Service Alliance. Later on November 18, Tianfu Software Park. Lab was awarded with the title of "CESS2017 Best Entrepreneurship Incubator" at the China Entrepreneurs Services Summit 2017. Finally in December, the Park was included in "The Fourth Batch of Pilot Units for Industrial Cluster Regional Brand Construction" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

Fostering a New Driver of Economic Growth and Establishing Benchmark of a Modern Economic System

As a new global economic source in Chengdu, CDHT has been constantly fostering this new driver of economic growth and vigorously supporting the improvement in new technologies, organizations, models and values. Additionally, introducing new types of businesses, accelerating the establishment of the library of specially fostered new economy enterprises and setting up a multi-level system for fostering enterprises such as "Micro Giant" enterprises, "Gazelle Enterprises", "Unicorn Enterprises" and listed enterprises have been high on the priority list.

Within the existing incubation field of 35,000m2, Tianfu Software Park. Lab has incubated over 1,100 projects and over 260 projects are currently under incubation. So far, a whole-chain incubation system of "startup nursery - incubator - accelerator - industrial park" has been completed, providing multiple Makerspaces like workstations, open workspaces, and independent spaces. This marks the successful formation of an all-round and multi-layered "5C's" cultivation program, covering funds, talent, business start up circles, market guidance for starting a business and other services. The Lab has successfully incubated domestic and international leading enterprises and products, including Tap4fun, Camera360, TestBird, Codoon, LionMobi, XGIMI, 56QQ (Truck Alliance), Medlinker, MAIZIEDU and Ludashi, as well as mobile phone games with a monthly turnover exceeding RMB ten million, such as Galaxy Empire, King's Empire, Spartan Wars, Three Blade Masters, Empire Defense 3, Hua Qian Gu, Ninja Story and Invasion.

On December 6, Medlinker, a real-name doctor platform which was successfully built by the Tianfu Software Park. Lab, announced that it had secured RMB 400 million in Series C financing. Founded in 2014, Medlinker, according to estimates, has been valued at RMB 5 billion or so in a short span of three years, and been rated as a potential unicorn by Greatwall Strategy Consultants, a professional consulting institute of China. Wang Shirui, CEO of Medlinker, expressed that CDHT's enabling policies and environment were of significance to Medlinker's achievement as an industrial leader. "When our enterprise was incubated in the Tianfu Software Park. Lab, CDHT offered many preferential policies for us on reduction of house rent and others. And the government paid close attention to the development of our enterprise and also helped us a lot."

The Park has been approved by several ministries and institutes. For example, it is recognized as the "National Science and Technology Enterprise Incubator", "State-level Maker Space" and "Demonstration Base of Innovative Talents Cultivation" by the Ministry of Science and Technology, "National Business Incubation Demonstration Base" by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, "National Public Service Demonstration Platform for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and "Chinese College Students Venture Park (Chengdu)" by the China Central Communist Youth League. It has become a renowned venture incubation park nationwide. In the Park, an increasing number of world-renowned IT enterprises are doing business while an increasing number of local enterprises are going global and edging themselves into the global innovation system, which indicates that the Park has enjoyed great popularity and established itself as a benchmark for a modern economic system in Sichuan.

Creating a Favorable Environment for Entrepreneurial Talents to Settle down and Forging a New Core of Innovation and Creativity

As the first Independent Innovation Demonstration Zone in western China, CDHT has built an enabling environment for industrial development, international innovation and creativity. It is also a talents service, and is attracting a growing number of talents at home and abroad to work or start business here. In order to create more favorable environment for overseas talents, CDHT is about to initiate the "Golden Panda" Talent Plan. Oriented by globalization, flexibility, marketization, professionalization, and branding, it aims to become a "magnet" for international high-caliber talents, featuring talent aggregation, active technological innovation, a well-established system and a first-class living environment.

Adhering to the talent strategies sponsored by CDHT, the Park launched talent recruitment campaigns in the United States, Europe and other regions on several occasions. In the first half of 2017, a number of Chengdu Tianfu Software Park-based enterprises participated in the 2017 Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs Festival, in a bid to seek more opportunities for international innovation cooperation and attract a pool of high-caliber talents from overseas. Also in 2017, a string of activities such as "Tianfu Talent Action" and "Open Day" were held in the Park and supported college students with entrepreneurial intentions and ability to settle in. As the core area with the most active entrepreneurial atmosphere, the largest carrier and best services in Chengdu, the Park is receiving great attention and favor from a growing number of high-caliber talents at home and abroad, with over 60,000 staff employed.

An official of the Park indicated that after being awarded as the 'Leading Park in China Software and Information Service Industry', the Park would place greater effort in developing its platform strategy. It is striving to make the resources accessible and effectively share and forge a new core of innovation and creativity. It plans to do this by upholding the new target and development philosophy of "a different platform for a different future" as well as the following approaches: firstly, the Park aims to set up a shared service platform relying on its rich enterprise resources. It attempts to develop in-depth cooperation with industry leading enterprises, and create a public technical and industrial incubation platform in vertical industry sectors together with its enterprises; secondly, the Park works to enrich its service function as the "first market". It assists start-ups to establish cooperation with excellent enterprises in the Park, and further expand business and market among its more than 60,000 targeted customers; thirdly, the Park will build more industrial exchange and social platforms, in a bid to advance the communication, exchange and cooperation among enterprises; fourthly, the Park concentrates efforts to build itself into a learning-oriented base and create a strong learning atmosphere based on such carriers as "Tianfu Software Park Auditorium", "Online Education Platform" and "HR Elite Club"; fifthly, the Park endeavors to upgrade the incubation platform. It forges an intelligent incubation system in the Tianfu Software Park . Lab and improves capital connection and tutorial systems, for the sake of establishing an online platform helping startup projects under incubation accessible to global capital; sixthly, the Park makes great efforts to enhance its vitality and attractiveness. By constantly holding a string of events, it is committed to encouraging active participation from enterprises and shaping an abundant and diverse park culture, therefore showcasing the cultural attractiveness of the Park.

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SOURCE Chengdu Tianfu Software Park