Even though the exact year is a closely guarded state secret, we happen to know that tomorrow, January 8th, is Kim Jong-Un’s 32nd birthday.

Downloading and watching the movie “The Interview” is the best present you can give the Supreme Leader. For a few filthy capitalist dollars you can access the movie online and support important American traditions including blowing up foreign dictators and engaging in free speech. And what better way to get through the post-holiday blahs that strike in January than building a party around someone as colorful as Kim Jong-Un?

Party411.com wants to help. We have created a great caricature invitation that you can download for free at Party411.com and a party to go along with it—including menu, décor and entertainment at http://www.party411.com/PlanYourParty/Theme/UniquePartyThemes/InterviewWatch.aspx.

Encourage your guests to wear “Dictator Divine,” a military uniform or a somber blue VINYLON suit—Kim Jong-Un’s favorite (a North Korean textile—so good luck with that).

Suggested decorations (besides red everything) include a welcome sign that says, “Anyone with the same name as the Supreme Leader must change it before entering!” Next to the Malnutrition Buffet (another sign, of course), we suggest a yardstick with a small sign—“Must be this tall to start a nuclear war!” Small table tents/signs reflecting the many pleasures of living in North Korea can be placed on tables, counters, even bathroom sinks. We like “Warning: Electricity may go out at any time!” and “Bring your own water to flush toilet!” You might even charge for toilet paper! Send your funniest ones to Party411.com so we can share them!

We also propose you go with a creative menu based on the Supreme Leader’s obsessions (from Swiss cheese and crackers to a Chocolate Bombe dessert sundae with the candy “War Heads” sprinkled atop). Real food should be served up on the Defector’s Delightful Buffet. Sorry—no dan go gi (dog meat casserole)—it’s politically incorrect. The bar should feature a “red” Communist punch.

A myriad of other activities, entertainment, décor and menu items to be found at Party411.com. Whichever you choose, be sure to celebrate free speech. And don’t back the wrong Un!

Sherri Foxman, The Party Girl
Founder and CCO