Cedar Season is hitting central Texas hard, with pollen counts reaching record highs. The cedar count on December 29, 2016 hit 21,952 grains per cubic meter and, according to Allergy & Asthma Associates, is the highest since reaching a count of 32,000 in the mid-nineties.

Local meteorologists are predicting this will be one of the worst years ever for cedar pollen. Cedar season usually occurs from late December to late February, with an average count of 5,000-10,000 cedar grains per cubic meter. This year, the season is predicted to last through the first week of March with triple the average count of cedar. In addition, there is evidence that cedar is spreading geographically – while cedar is typically isolated to Central Texas, it is now being felt as far west as El Paso, according to local source, El Paso Proud.

According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, researchers estimate nasal allergies affect about 50 million people in the United States. That’s 15% of the US population. In Texas and the Southwest, many cases are connected to mountain cedar pollen. With cedar pollen counts at record levels, even those who are typically not affected by cedar allergies are being impacted. Online and in-store retailers are seeing an increase in sales of natural products that provide allergy relief.

“We are seeing more and more people turning to Easy Breather®, our herbal solution for cedar sufferers, both online and in retail outlets,” said Austin acupuncturist David Jones (LAc, MAOM), an herbal medicine expert and Herbalogic co-founder. “We started our company to provide natural alternatives to synthetic drugs, and it feels really good to help those affected by cedar to go about their daily activities without shots or steroids.”

While escaping cedar pollen entirely is almost impossible, Jones says there are some things you can do to minimize your exposure if you’re sensitive to cedar:

  • Change your air filters. Change your air filters at least once a month to ensure you are breathing in the cleanest air. You’d be surprised how much pollen can actually seep into your house/apartment or car through your air vent.
  • Wipe your feet. Before you walk into your home, be sure to wipe down your shoes, jackets and even your hair – just because you can’t see the pollen doesn’t mean it’s not there.
  • Take lots of showers. Make it a habit to shower immediately after spending time outdoors. A hot shower can provide some sinus relief while getting rid of any pollen on your body or in your hair.
  • Clean your house. Clean your house (or have it professionally cleaned) at least once a week. Helpful tip: if you’ve been hit with cedar fever, get someone else to do the vacuuming; the dust can irritate your nose, which can be a nightmare if you’re already suffering.

Those who can’t avoid pollen and want to go the natural route may consider a plant-based remedy first. Many find relief with herbal products, even those with severe cases of cedar fever, without having to endure the side effects of commercial antihistamines, decongestants, and steroid injections.

About Herbalogic Easy Breather®

The Herbalogic line of products was launched in 2007 by Third Coast Herb Company founders Jeanine Adinaro and David Jones, both Austin-based licensed acupuncturists, who saw a growing interest among their patients for natural alternatives to synthetic drugs. They developed the Easy Breather® formula to help those with "cedar fever," a severe reaction to juniper or mountain cedar pollen. Easy Breather® helps the body cope with a range of tree and grass pollen, as well as dust, mold, and pollution that can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and sinuses. Easy Breather® is sold by healthcare providers, including acupuncturists, chiropractors, and massage therapists, as well as progressive pharmacies and health-oriented stores, like Whole Foods Market locations. Herbalogic formulas may also be purchased directly through the company's online store.