Dutch consumer confidence recovered further in January relative to December. The confidence index climbed 5 points to reach -12. Consumer confidence has risen almost continuously since July 2013, but pessimism still prevails. For the third consecutive month, Dutch consumers were optimistic about the economic climate over the next 12 months.

Consumer confidence

Consumers were far less pessimistic about the economic climate in January than in December. The component indicator economic climate rose 8 points to reach -6, i.e. the highest level in nearly three years. Consumers' opinions about the economic situation in the next 12 months improved 9 points, to +19. The mood on the economic climate over the past 12 months also lifted, but, although improving 7 points, this indicator still remains negative (-31).

Consumers' willingness-to-buy also increased. This component indicator rose by 4 points to -15.  Consumers' opinions about their own financial situation over the past 12 months improved most notably. Their expectations about their own financial situation in the next 12 months remained fairly stable. Consumers also thought the time to buy expensive items like washing machines and TV sets was about just as unfavourable as in December.

Consumer confidence, seasonally adjusted

More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.

For more information on economic indicators, the reader is referred to the Economic Monitor.

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