The BTS Sales Index decreased 0.4 points (0.4%) in the month of December, down to 102.7. The 1,000 companies of the BTS Sales Index reported aggregate revenues down $3.195 trillion from $3.207 trillion in November.

The BTS Sales Index saw a slight decrease in revenue levels in the month of December. Fourth quarter GDP growth is expected to be around 2.5-3%, slightly lower than third quarter growth. Despite slightly lower performance, the Manufacturing sector continues to grow along with the Construction sector and Services sector. Business spending has also been increasing in anticipation of corporate tax cuts.

What is the BTS Sales Index?

The BTS Sales Index provides a simple and easy-to-understand predictive monthly metric that gives enterprise leaders the right vantage point by which to view their critical business decisions.

It represents the aggregate total revenue of the 1,000 largest publicly traded companies in the US in one simple to understand number. Every month, the total revenue reported by these companies is run through BTS’ custom-built indexing tool. The index uses the total revenue of the BTS 1,000 companies at the end of the second quarter of 2013 as its baseline because the economy showed signs of stable recovery. Unemployment was back to normal rates, housing prices remained steady, and stock prices were back to record levels.

In the first week of every month, BTS will publish the previous month’s Sales Index as well as context to understand that month’s performance. This includes things like industry specific trends and job rates that impact revenue.

To check out the BTS Sales Index click here.

About BTS

BTS is a global professional services firm headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, with some 650 professionals in 33 offices located on six continents. We focus on the people side of strategy, working with leaders at all levels to help them make better decisions, convert those decisions to actions and deliver results. At our core, we believe people learn best by doing. For 30 years, we've been designing fun, powerful experiences that have a profound and lasting impact on people and their careers. We inspire new ways of thinking, build critical capabilities and unleash business success. It’s strategy made personal.

We serve a wide range of client needs, including:

  • Assessment centers for talent selection and development
  • Strategy alignment and execution
  • Business acumen, leadership and sales training programs
  • On-the-job business simulations and application tools.

We partner with nearly 450 organizations, including over 30 of the world’s 100 largest global corporations. Our major clients are some of the most respected names in business: Microsoft, SAP, Chevron, Coca-Cola, Volvo Group, Citigroup, Salesforce, and Tencent.

BTS is a public company listed on the Nasdaq Stockholm and trades under the symbol BTS B.