Skyhigh Networks, the world’s leading Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), today announced AstraZeneca has received a 2017 CSO50 award for its “Cloud Control Point” project. The global pharmaceutical company leverages Skyhigh to secure cloud usage across 20,000 users in over 100 countries, including business-critical deployments of Box and Office 365. The project established a secure, global collaboration platform, earning recognition for connecting security to business value.

AstraZeneca puts collaboration at the center of their IT security strategy. With thousands of users to connect, sensitive data to protect and a highly regulated environment to operate in, the company needed secure, user-friendly work tools. CIO Dave Smoley and CISO Jeff Haskill turned to cloud solutions, standardizing on Box and Office 365. Skyhigh helped satisfy security and compliance requirements by providing answers to IT’s questions: What data is in the cloud, where is it going and who can access it?

“When IT can bring the audit committee and the executive members together and they are confident and comfortable using the cloud, it is huge. You know you’ve made an impact on risk,” said Jeff Haskill, CISO, AstraZeneca. “It is no longer IT security saying, ‘we believe this, or we think that.’ We have the data we need to answer their questions and provide the metrics showing how Skyhigh is mitigating and lowering risk. It’s the facts.”

Skyhigh’s CASB provides visibility into every kilobyte of data sent to the cloud and provides control with data loss and collaboration policies – without the friction of a VPN or device agent. Leveraging the integration between Zscaler and Skyhigh, AstraZeneca is able to secure and govern cloud usage by pushing governance policies based on Skyhigh’s cloud insights directly to Zscaler to block high-risk services and enforce granular DLP policies on cloud usage. They can limit and control access based on user role, device type (managed and unmanaged) and users’ geographic location, all while notifying the security operations center if compromised accounts or insider threats are detected.

With Skyhigh AstraZeneca now has all the security controls for data in their cloud-based collaboration platforms as one would expect on the corporate network. The scalable deployment processes violations in near-real time and provides security a single dashboard for detecting and remediating threats. In utilizing Skyhigh as a central control point to enforce policies across over 17,000 cloud services, Haskill and his team are armed with actionable information to continue to lower risk across the organization.

“AstraZeneca’s vision for a secure collaboration platform with frictionless governance breaks the mold of conservative, slow-moving IT environments in regulated industries,” said Rajiv Gupta, CEO, Skyhigh. “We are thrilled to partner with Jeff and his team at AstraZeneca to provide the central control point for their global cloud deployments. Cloud-first companies require a cloud-native security solution, and AstraZeneca is reaping the benefits of better usability, efficiency and security.”

“The stakes have never been higher when it comes to protecting an organization's sensitive data from criminals and breach,” said Joan Godchild, editor-in-chief, CSO. “Security leaders are expected to not only deliver protection, but also to drive business initiatives. Our annual CSO50 awards recognize security projects that not only enhance defense, but that also deliver ROI.”

AstraZeneca will accept its award at the CSO50 Conference + Awards held on May 1-3, 2017, at the Scottsdale Resort at McCormick Ranch, Scottsdale, Ariz.

Additional Resources

  • Video Interview with AstraZeneca CISO Jeff Haskill
  • AstraZeneca Case Study
  • Skyhigh Cloud Access Security Broker Datasheet

For additional stories and to join the cloud security conversation, follow Skyhigh on The Cloud Security Blog, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

About the CSO50 Awards

Launched in 2013, the CSO50 Awards recognizes 50 organizations for security projects and initiatives that demonstrate outstanding business value and thought leadership. The CSO50 Awards are scored according to a uniform set of criteria by a panel of judges that includes security leaders, industry experts, and academics. Awards will be presented at the CSO50 Conference + Awards.

About Skyhigh

Skyhigh Networks, the world’s leading Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), enables enterprises to safely adopt cloud services, while meeting their security, compliance and governance requirements. With more than 600 enterprise customers globally, Skyhigh provides organizations the visibility and management for all their cloud services, including enforcement of data loss prevention policies; detecting and preventing internal and external threats; encrypting data with customer-controlled keys; and implementing access-control policies. Headquartered in Campbell, Calif., Skyhigh Networks is backed by Greylock Partners, Sequoia Capital, Thomvest Ventures, Tenaya Capital and other strategic investors. For more information, visit