AeroFS, a leader in secure file sync and share and collaboration solutions for the enterprise, today released three new software development kits (SDKs) that help speed the integration of the secure data management capabilities of AeroFS with a broad range of new and existing local and cloud-based applications and workflows. Together with the new AeroFS API version 1.3, also released today, these SDKs allow developers to access the power of AeroFS with the native programming language they already use – C#, Go or Python, with Javascript available soon – for faster coding and faster time to value for desktop, web-based and mobile applications.

“Our customers love the control and security our technology delivers for rich enterprise file sync and share and collaboration, and asked us to provide a fast, easy way to integrate these capabilities into their own applications,” said Matt Pillar, director of engineering for AeroFS. “Our new SDKs give developers full access to every data and user account management function available in AeroFS for managing users, creating shared folders, files and accounts, downloading files, and much more, using popular languages and frameworks that are familiar to the developer community. In addition to secure file sync and sharing functionality, our RESTful API also offers endpoints that enable developers to integrate auditing, device authorization and several event-based functions to better secure and manage the use of their system and implement workflows.”

The AeroFS SDKs fit right into existing development processes and allow developers to stay with the native language they are already using to integrate all the AeroFS capabilities into whatever application they are building. The 1.3 version of the AeroFS API brings new, expanded file sharing capabilities such as shared folder management as well as device restriction functions to better control data access.

AeroFS customers are already finding new and innovative ways to apply the secure data management capabilities of AeroFS using these SDKs. One Fortune 100 telecommunications and cable TV provider has used AeroFS SDKs to create their own customized and branded interface to the AeroFS file sync and sharing platform, integrating AeroFS with their own application. Several other customers are improving enterprise security by using the API’s device restriction functions to query their existing MAC address database to determine whether or not a device is allowed to connect to their AeroFS instance.

The AeroFS API now supports a broad range of data and workflow automation applications. For example, the AeroFS API can be used to detect when a data file has been uploaded to a folder and then allow other actions to be performed on it, such as sharing the file with a group of users. More complex scenarios could include the addition of various processing functions, such as generating reports or pushing documents to cloud-based systems like SalesForce, Dropbox, etc. A complete API reference is available to developers on the AeroFS developer web site at

Availability and Pricing

The AeroFS C#, Go and Python SKDs are available now. The AeroFS Javascript SDK is expected to be available later this quarter. All AeroFS SDKs are available to developers at no cost and are available on the AeroFS Github page at

About AeroFS

AeroFS delivers highly secure, enterprise-class file sharing and synchronization solutions that enable enterprises to better control and secure their data and increase collaboration among users. Like Dropbox and other online file-sharing offerings, AeroFS allows users to simply drag and drop files into a folder to sync and share them with colleagues and external partners. Unlike those offerings, however, AeroFS is deployed on the enterprise’s own infrastructure, and so enterprise data always stays under company and IT control. Files are shared directly between users’ devices, and enterprise data never resides on AeroFS servers. The company is funded by blue-chip investors, including Avalon Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz, Y Combinator and others.