AXA, a global financial protection and retirement leader, announced today that the company has been named as one of the 50 most innovative companies in Boston Consulting Group’s (BCG) tenth annual survey, “The Most Innovative Companies 2015.” AXA is the highest-ranked insurance company on the roster, at 22, and is one of only two insurance companies to make the list.

The Most Innovative Companies ranking today confirms the AXA brand’s strong ongoing reputation and value. The BCG survey polled 1,500 CEOs and other C-suite respondents. There are four main factors that the survey identifies as critical to successful innovation – emphasis on speed, well-run R&D processes, the use of technological platforms and the systematic exploration of adjacent markets.

“Although innovation may not be the first word that comes to mind when someone thinks of an insurance, company, AXA has a long, proud history of being creative and thinking differently to best serve our clients and the community,” said Mark Pearson, Chairman and CEO, AXA US. “We are honored for those efforts to be recognized globally.”

According to the BCG survey, 79 percent of respondents ranked innovation as either the top priority or among the top three priorities at their companies. Of the top 50 companies, 29 were based in the U.S., 11 in Europe and ten in Asia. Respondents were asked to rank the innovators not only within their industries, but also outside of them. Also factored into the calculations, in addition to the subjective ranking, was total shareholder return over five years.

In October 2015, AXA also was named as the #1 global insurance brand for the seventh consecutive year by the Interbrand consultancy in its “Best Global Brands” ranking. Interbrand is an international organization specializing in brand strategy and brand analytics.

About AXA

“AXA” is a brand name of AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC and its family of companies, including AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company (NY, NY), MONY Life Insurance Company of America (AZ stock company, administrative office: Jersey City, NJ), AXA Advisors, LLC, and AXA Distributors, LLC. In business since 1859, AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company is a leading financial protection company and one of the nation’s premier providers of life insuranceannuity, and financial products and services distributed to individuals and business owners through its retail distribution channel, AXA Advisors, LLC (member FINRA, SIPC) and to the financial services market through its wholesale distribution channel, AXA Distributors, LLC.

AXA S.A. is a Paris-headquartered holding company for a group of international insurance and financial services companies, including AXA Equitable Financial Services, LLC companies. AXA S.A. is a worldwide leader in financial protection strategies and wealth management with 103 million clients in 59 countries as of Dec. 31, 2014. AXA S.A. has been ranked the No. 1 insurance brand in the world by Interbrand for seven consecutive years as of Oct. 5, 2015.

The obligations of AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company and MONY Life Insurance Company of America are backed solely by their claims-paying ability. Find AXA on FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn. For more information, visit
