ANGA Commends Senators Barrasso and Heinrich on LNG Exports Legislation

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Background: Following is a statement by Frank J. Macchiarola, executive vice president for government affairs at America's Natural Gas Alliance, on a bill sponsored by Senators John Barrasso and Martin Heinrich to promote the export of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

"The introduction of this Barrasso-Heinrich LNG bill is more forward progress in our nation's drive toward a strong LNG export policy. This legislation will speed up the approval of LNG export terminals and we commend Senators Barrasso and Heinrich and the other bipartisan co-sponsors for their leadership. Exporting natural gas will make it possible for us as a nation to take advantage of our abundant domestic energy resource, reduce our trade deficit and deliver clean, affordable natural gas around the world.

By requiring the Department of Energy to make a timely decision on export terminals, this measure will support investment, expand our workforce and improve American economic and energy security. We look forward to working with the sponsors of this legislation and other supporters of a strong LNG export policy to get this measure over the finish line."

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