A.M. Best will host a seminar on Thursday, February 9, at the Bristol Hotel Panama in Panama City. At this event, A.M. Best analysts will discuss forthcoming changes to Best's Credit Rating Methodology (BCRM) and the Best's Capital Adequacy Ratio (BCAR) model. In addition, the analysts will discuss and demonstrate how they determine A.M. Best's ratings with an in-depth, mock demonstration of the rating process. Additional insight into the principles that guide rating analysis will also be provided.

Early registration is recommended, but not required. To attend, email Midori Honda at midori.honda@ambest.com. For more details visit http://www.ambest.com/conferences/panama17/index.html.

A.M. Best provides Financial Strength, Long- and Short-Term Issuer Credit and Long- and Short-Term Issue Credit Ratings for insurers worldwide. Visitors to http://www.ambest.com/ratings can learn about Best’s Credit Ratings and read criteria reports explaining the rating process.

A.M. Best is the world’s oldest and most authoritative insurance rating and information source. For more information, visit www.ambest.com.

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