LOS ANGELES, Jan. 22, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- A poll conducted by Gallup and Wells Fargo at the end of 2013 shows that about one in four small business owners is more optimistic about the future of their business than they were at the same time a year ago. There are several factors that may account for this optimism: the stock market is rising, government is supporting small business, consumer confidence is increasing, and small business lending is starting to pick up again, making it easier for business owners to secure the capital they need to start or grow their business. There is good reason to believe that 2014 will be the year of the small business.

However, 28 percent of the small business owners who responded to the poll said they had grown less optimistic about their business' future over the past year, and there are legitimate factors contributing to these feelings as well. Many small business owners are concerned about factors that are beyond their control, such as the overall health of the economy, the controversy over health care reform with the introduction of the new healthcare reform bill, the political infighting going on in the federal government, and the growing economies of other countries.

On the other hand, many small business owners were concerned about factors that they may have some level of control over: one in eight respondents said that attracting new customers and business opportunities was their greatest concern going into 2014. Maintaining the current customers is also a challenge as there is a lot of competition and the internet has provided the customers with more choices as a lot of information is available before hand.

If you're one of those small business owners who's concerned about finding new customers in the new year, web design services from DesignSpinners can help. Our twelve years of experience shows that we've been helping small businesses build brand identity and attract customers both in good times and in times of financial crisis.

DesignSpinners is committed to helping small businesses build their brands, and it shows in the way our clients keep returning to work with us again. Contact us today at 855-DZ9-SPIN (399-7746).

Vani Gundara - Founder / Creative Director of DesignSpinners

SOURCE DesignSpinners