Kevin Cox

Kevin Cox

Chief Executive Officer at White Label Personal Clouds Pty Ltd.

Technology Services


Kevin Cox is associated with two companies, Vix Verify Pty Ltd.
and White Label Personal Clouds Pty Ltd.
He was the Executive Director & Chief Technical Officer at Vix Verify Pty Ltd.
from 2012 to 2014.
He is currently the Chief Executive Officer at White Label Personal Clouds Pty Ltd.
which he founded in 2013.
He also founded Vix Verify Pty Ltd.
in 2005.

Kevin Cox active positions

White Label Personal Clouds Pty Ltd. Chief Executive Officer 31/05/2013
All active positions of Kevin Cox

Former positions of Kevin Cox

Founder -
See the detail of Kevin Cox's experience

Positions held



Listed companies

Private companies

See the detail of Kevin Cox's experience

Linked companies

Private companies2

Technology Services

White Label Personal Clouds Pty Ltd.