Share class: Wiwynn Corporation

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1185,840,791101,315,791 ( 54.52 %) 0 54.52 %

Major shareholders: Wiwynn Corporation

Wistron Corp.
37.69 %
65,895,129 37.69 % 3 914 M NT$
2,418,624 1.383 % 144 M NT$
Taiwan Ministry of Transportation & Communications
1.024 %
1,791,000 1.024 % 106 M NT$
Fuh Hwa Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
0.3941 %
689,000 0.3941 % 41 M NT$
Uni-President Asset Management Corp.
0.3129 %
547,000 0.3129 % 32 M NT$
516,495 0.2954 % 31 M NT$
468,235 0.2678 % 28 M NT$
340,455 0.1947 % 20 M NT$
Jih Sun Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
0.1929 %
337,250 0.1929 % 20 M NT$
Yuanta Securities Investment Trust Co., Ltd.
0.1641 %
287,000 0.1641 % 17 M NT$
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Wistron Corp.37.69%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Taiwan 40.20%
Individuals 2.40%
Luxembourg 0.35%
United Kingdom 0.28%
Sweden 0.15%
Ireland 0.14%
Hong Kong 0.12%
Spain 0.09%
Denmark 0.07%
France 0.06%
Malaysia 0.06%
Norway 0.06%
China 0.04%
Netherlands 0.04%
India 0.03%
Indonesia 0.03%
Belgium 0.03%
Finland 0.02%
Singapore 0.02%
Austria 0.01%
Australia 0.01%
Japan 0.01%
Switzerland 0.01%
Slovenia 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Wiwynn Corporation
Wiwynn Corp is a Taiwan-based company mainly engaged in the research, development, design, manufacture, testing and distribution of servers for cloud services and Hyperscale Data Centers. The Company's products mainly include computers and peripheral equipment, data storage media, electrical equipment and audio-visual electronic products, information software and others. The Company mainly distributes its products in Taiwan, Americas, Europe, Asia and other regions.
More about the company
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