Listed companies


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Relation chart of related listed companies: Targa Resources Corp.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Targa Resources Corp.

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Oil & Gas Pipelines3
Gas Distributors2
Integrated Oil2
Oil & Gas Production2
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Wholesale Distributors1
Oilfield Services/Equipment1
Electric Utilities1
Industrial Machinery1

Countries of related companies

United States15
Logo Targa Resources Corp.
Targa Resources Corp. is a provider of midstream services in North America. The Company owns, operates, acquires and develops a diversified portfolio of complementary domestic midstream infrastructure assets and delivers energy across the United States. The Company is engaged in the business of gathering, compressing, treating, processing, transporting, and purchasing and selling natural gas; transporting, storing, fractionating, treating, and purchasing and selling natural gas liquids (NGLs) and NGL products, including services to liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) exporters; and gathering, storing, terminaling, and purchasing and selling crude oil. Its segments are Gathering and Processing, and Logistics and Transportation. Gathering and Processing segment includes assets used in the gathering and/or purchase and sale of natural gas produced from oil and gas wells. Logistics and Transportation segment includes the activities and assets necessary to convert mixed NGLs into NGL products.
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