BERLIN/HAMBURG (dpa-AFX) - The housing summit planned for the beginning of December under Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will no longer take place following the break-up of the traffic light coalition. The meeting of representatives from politics, business and civil society will instead be chaired by Federal Building Minister Klara Geywitz (SPD), according to a ministry spokeswoman. "The planned Alliance Day with the Federal Chancellor on December 6, 2024 will take place as part of a top-level meeting chaired by the Federal Building Minister in view of the shortened legislative period," she said. The Handelsblatt had previously reported.

According to the business newspaper, the summit was actually supposed to take place in Hamburg. The venue is now the Ministry of Construction in Berlin. The spokesperson also announced that the summit would be held on December 5.

SPD politician Geywitz founded the "Alliance for Affordable Housing". It has more than 30 members from politics, the construction industry, trade unions, the housing industry, banks and tenants' associations. The alliance last met in the Chancellery in 2023.

Real estate and construction associations have long accused the federal government of failing to implement a housing policy, as the coalition government has been missing its self-imposed target of 400,000 new homes per year for years. Last year, just under 295,000 apartments were completed nationwide./rgr/DP/men