Spacenet Enterprises India Limited announced that in view of resignation of Shri. Chukka Siva Satya Srinivas as Independent Director with effect from the closure of business hours of 22nd May 2024, the Board of Directors of the Company vide Circular Resolution Passed on this 22nd May,2024 have approved and Reconstituted the following Committees of the Board with effect from 23rd May,2024. Audit Committee: Shri.
Ghanshyam Dass-Chairman; Shri. Prathipati Parthasarathi and Smt. Korpu Venkata Kalikanaka Durga- members.
Nomination and Remuneration Committee: Shri. Sarat Kumar Malik- Chairman; Shri. Prathipati Parthasarathi and Smt.Korpu Venkata Kalikanaka Durga- members.
Stakeholder's Relationship Committee: Shri. Prathipati Parthasarathi- Chairman; Smt.Korpu Venkata Kalikanaka Durga and Shri. Dasigi Venkata Suryaprakash Rao- members.