SF Real Estate Investment Trust has approved, to further strengthen corporate governance and for each Board committee to maintain at least three members with a majority of members being independent non-executive directors, that Mr. Hubert CHAK (being an executive director and the chief executive officer of the REIT Manager) shall step down from being a member of the investment committee of the Board with effect from 28 June 2024. The Board has also approved that, the disclosures committee of the Board ("Disclosures Committee") shall cease with effect from 28 June 2024. Following the cessation, the functions previously delegated to the Disclosures Committee will instead be performed by the Board, unless otherwise reallocated to the other Board committees, such as reviewing the disclosure to be published by SF REIT in relation to a matter that is within the purview of that Board committee.
COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD AND BOARD COMMITTEES: Board, Chairman and Non-executive Director HO Chit Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer Hubert CHAK. Non-executive Directors: OOI Bee Ti GAN Ling, Independent Non-executive Directors, HO Lap Kee, MH, JP CHAN Ming Tak, Ricky, KWOK Tun Ho, Chester, Michael Tjahja SUSANTO. Immediately following the Changes with effect from 28 June 2024, the Board has set up three instead of four committees and members of the Board committees are as follows: Audit Committee: CHAN Ming Tak, Ricky (Chairman), HO Lap Kee, MH, JP, KWOK Tun Ho, Chester, Nomination and Remuneration Committee: HO Lap Kee, MH, JP (Chairman), HO Chit, KWOK Tun Ho, Chester.
Investment Committee: HO Chit (Chairman), CHAN Ming Tak, Ricky, Michael Tjahja SUSANTO.