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Relation chart of related listed companies: Semantix, Inc.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Semantix, Inc.

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Related private companies: Semantix, Inc.

Semantix Tecnologia em Sistema de Informação SA

Data Processing Services

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Data Processing Services1
Engineering & Construction1
Major Banks1
Investment Managers1
Regional Banks1

Countries of related companies

United States1
Logo Semantix, Inc.
Semantix Inc, formerly Alpha Capital Holdco Co is a Brazil-based company. It is a developer of a data-centric platform that accelerates digital transformation and enhances business performance through seamless, low-code and low-touch data analytics solutions. The Company’s data software is designed to allow customers to access data from any source and develop appropriate analytics to meet their industry and business needs. The Company’s internally developed, frictionless, end-to-end Software as a Service (SaaS) data platform Semantix Data Platform (SDP) guides customers through their entire data lifecycles, from capturing data, to structuring that data in the form of a data lake, then providing easy access to such data for exploration and interaction and, finally, creating reports, dashboards and algorithms fueled by the data to enhance business performance.
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