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Relation chart of related listed companies: Radiant Logistics, Inc.

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Related listed companies: Radiant Logistics, Inc.

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Listed companies

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Beverages: Alcoholic1

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United States1
Logo Radiant Logistics, Inc.
Radiant Logistics, Inc. is a third-party logistics company providing technology-enabled global transportation and value-added logistics services in the United States and Canada. The Company provides domestic and international freight forwarding along with truck and rail brokerage services to a diversified account base, including manufacturers, distributors and retailers that have agent-owned offices throughout North America and other markets. Its value-added logistics services include warehouse and distribution, customs brokerage, order fulfillment, inventory management, and technology services. Its primary business operations involve arranging the shipment of materials, products, equipment and other goods. It serves various industries, such as consumer goods, food and beverage, electronics and high-tech, aviation and automotive, military and government, and manufacturing and retail customers. It also serves companies in the exploration, drilling, and production of oil and gas.
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