Executive Committee: Radiant Logistics, Inc.

Positions heldSince
Bohn Crain

Bohn Crain

60 year

Chief Executive Officer 19/10/2005
Founder 14/03/2001
Todd Macomber

Todd Macomber

60 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 30/11/2007
Director of Finance/CFO 28/02/2011
Investor Relations Contact -
Treasurer -
Jennifer Deenihan

Jennifer Deenihan

Public Communications Contact 02/04/2018
Sales & Marketing 02/04/2018
Jamie Becker

Jamie Becker

43 year

General Counsel 21/12/2023

Composition of the Board of Directors: Radiant Logistics, Inc.

Bohn Crain

Bohn Crain

60 year

Chairman 19/10/2005
Kristin Toth

Kristin Toth

49 year

Audit Committee
Executive Committee
Kristin Smith

Kristin Smith

49 year

Audit Committee 16/11/2021
Executive Committee 16/11/2021
Michael Gould

Michael Gould

60 year

Audit Committee 10/07/2016
Executive Committee 10/07/2016
Richard Palmieri

Richard Palmieri

71 year

Audit Committee Chair 27/12/2020
Executive Committee Chair 28/02/2014

Former Officers and Directors: Radiant Logistics, Inc.

Positions held
Mark Rowe
Mark Rowe
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 30/09/2013 04/09/2024
John Sobba
John Sobba
General Counsel 30/04/2018 21/12/2023
Corporate Secretary 30/04/2018 21/12/2023
Jack Edwards
Jack Edwards
Director/Board Member 30/11/2011 16/11/2021
Independent Dir/Board Member 30/11/2011 16/11/2021
Daniel Stegemoller
Daniel Stegemoller
Chief Operating Officer 31/10/2004 29/06/2016
Robert L. Hines
Robert L. Hines
General Counsel 05/05/2013 25/02/2016
Corporate Secretary 05/05/2013 25/02/2016
E. Joseph Bento
E. Joseph Bento
Chief Operating Officer 04/01/2016 -
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/03/2020 -
Tim Boyce
Tim Boyce
Chief Operating Officer 31/03/2015 -
Chief Operating Officer - 30/12/2019
Anna Brewer
Anna Brewer
General Counsel 16/04/2014 -
Alesia Pinney
Alesia Pinney
General Counsel 13/05/2012 25/04/2013
Corporate Secretary 13/05/2012 25/04/2013
Frank Suraci
Frank Suraci
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/04/2008 -
Stephen Cohen
Stephen Cohen
General Counsel 09/10/2005 03/12/2007
Corporate Secretary 09/10/2005 03/12/2007
Stephen P. Harrington
Stephen P. Harrington
Director/Board Member 25/10/2007 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 25/10/2007 -
Gary Syner
Gary Syner
Corporate Officer/Principal 19/02/2007 -
Rodney Eaton
Rodney Eaton
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 16/04/2006 -
John Klesch
John Klesch
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2013 -
Sales & Marketing 14/10/2010 31/12/2013
Ryan McBride
Ryan McBride
Public Communications Contact - -
Philippe Gabay
Philippe Gabay
Corporate Officer/Principal 01/04/2014 -
Stuart Hanson
Stuart Hanson
Public Communications Contact - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 6
Female 3

Of which Executive Committee

Male 3
Female 1

Of which Directors

Male 3
Female 2
ESG Refinitiv


Use of resources


Social commitment
Human Rights
Product liability
Human Resources


CSR Strategy


Logo Radiant Logistics, Inc.
Radiant Logistics, Inc. is a third-party logistics company providing technology-enabled global transportation and value-added logistics services in the United States and Canada. The Company provides domestic and international freight forwarding along with truck and rail brokerage services to a diversified account base, including manufacturers, distributors and retailers that have agent-owned offices throughout North America and other markets. Its value-added logistics services include warehouse and distribution, customs brokerage, order fulfillment, inventory management, and technology services. Its primary business operations involve arranging the shipment of materials, products, equipment and other goods. It serves various industries, such as consumer goods, food and beverage, electronics and high-tech, aviation and automotive, military and government, and manufacturing and retail customers. It also serves companies in the exploration, drilling, and production of oil and gas.
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