Share class: PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1107,995,419,90026,366,644,186 ( 24.41 %) 0 24.41 %

Major shareholders: PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk.

PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk
50.04 %
54,045,287,677 50.04 % 1 923 M Rp
9,136,659,400 8.460 % 325 M Rp
Huayong International Hk Ltd.
7.546 %
8,149,060,000 7.546 % 290 M Rp
PT Alam Permai
5.427 %
5,861,079,300 5.427 % 209 M Rp
Pt Prima Langit Nusantara
4.052 %
4,375,685,723 4.052 % 156 M Rp
Pt Prima Puncak Mulia
3.773 %
4,074,520,000 3.773 % 145 M Rp
2,912,690,000 2.697 % 104 M Rp
2,598,120,000 2.406 % 92 M Rp
2,361,003,614 2.186 % 84 M Rp
2,290,880,000 2.121 % 82 M Rp
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Breakdown by shareholder type

PT Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk50.04%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Indonesia 63.49%
Individuals 17.87%
Hong Kong 7.55%
Switzerland 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk.
PT Merdeka Battery Materials Tbk has a portfolio of business assets in the strategic mineral value chain and electric vehicle (EV) battery raw materials. The Company’s segments include Mining, Manufacturing and Others. Its business assets include Sulawesi Cahaya Mineral (SCM Mine), Smelter Rotary Kiln-Electric Furnace (RKEF), Acid Iron Metal (AIM) Project, HPAL Factory and Indonesia Konawe Industrial Park (IKIP). The SCM Mine is a nickel resource containing about 13.8 million tons of nickel (1.22% Ni) and one million tons of cobalt (0.08% Co). It has two RKEF nickel smelters (PT Cahaya Smelter Indonesia and PT Bukit Smelter Indonesia), which produces Nickel Pig Iron (NPI) in the Morowali Industrial Estate (IMIP). The AIM Project includes a processing plant that focuses on producing acid and steam used in the HPAL plant, and produces other metals such as copper, gold, and iron. The IKIP is a joint venture to develop approximately 3,500 hectares of nickel industrial park.
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