Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. is a diversified group organized around 4 business segments:
- manufacturing of systems and components for energy production units (42.6% of net sales): offshore wind turbines, pumps, turbochargers, reactors, compressors, aero-engines, gas turbines, nuclear power generators, etc.;
- shipbuilding and industrial construction (41.1%): construction of ships, land transport systems, machinery and industrial installations, environmental systems (industrial wastewater treatment systems, air pollution control units, marine pollution prevention systems, waste incinerators, etc.), handling equipment, machine tools, air conditioning and refrigeration systems, toll systems, etc.;
- construction of avionics, defence and aerospace systems (15.7%);
- other (0.3%).
Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Japan (48.9%), Asia (17.4%), the United States (14.8%), Europe (9.4%), Middle East (2.9%), Central and South America (2.8%), Africa (1.3%) and other (2.5%).