KOPENHAGEN/OSLO (dpa-AFX) - Electric cars now account for more than half of all newly registered cars in Denmark. In 2024, around 173,000 new cars were sold in Germany's northernmost neighbor, 51.5 percent of which were electric cars, according to the industry organization Mobility Denmark, citing figures from the website Bilstatistik.dk. In December, they even accounted for 61.5 percent of new registrations.

With a market share of more than 50 per cent of new sales, the electric car has experienced its real breakthrough among the masses, explained the organization's director, Mads Rørvig. It is expected that by 2025, more than 70 percent of all new cars sold in the country will be e-cars. This means that the situation will increasingly resemble that in Norway, the organization wrote.

Almost 90 percent of new cars in Norway are electric

However, even the Danes still have a long way to go before they reach Norwegian standards: of the almost 129,000 new cars registered in Norway in 2024, a whopping 88.9% were electric cars, according to the interest organization OFV. Hybrid models, diesel and petrol cars followed a long way behind. No other country even comes close to such a high proportion of e-cars, the organization explained. In 2023, this share was still 82.4 percent./trs/DP/jha