Company LightLab Sweden AB




Electrical Components & Equipment

Delayed Nasdaq Stockholm 5-day change 1st Jan Change
- SEK -.--% Intraday chart for LightLab Sweden AB +3.45% -2.44%

Business Summary

LightLab Sweden AB is a Sweden-based company engaged in the development and marketing of lighting technology, based on the physical effects of field emission and cathode luminescence. The Company offers mercury-free, energy-efficient lighting technology by selling production licenses and products based on its technology to existing manufacturers in the lighting sector. The Company manufactures spherical bulbs, cylindrical bulbs and flat lamps, among others. As of Decmber 31, 2011, the LightLab Group comprises LightLab Sweden AB, a parent company responsible for group management, research and development, a wholly owned subsidiary LightLab Asia Corp. in Taiwan, responsible for laboratory activities, prototype manufacturing, testing and evaluation, as well as the dormant subsidiary, Bright Europe AB. As of December 31, 2011, the Company’s largest shareholder was Ostersjostiftelsen (The Foundation for Baltic and East European Studies), which held 15.18% shares.


Managers TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 60 31/08/19
Director of Finance/CFO 50 31/12/14
Chief Operating Officer 46 31/07/18
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 64 -
Sales & Marketing 60 31/12/17
Corporate Officer/Principal 63 31/12/10

Members of the board

Members of the board TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 60 30/04/20
Director/Board Member 75 15/05/13
Chairman 71 30/04/19

Share class

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A 10 15 0 0 -

Company contact information

PureFize Technologies AB

Uppsala Business Park Virdings Allé 32B

754 50, Uppsala

+46 84 42 05 50
address LightLab Sweden AB(LLSW B)
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  4. Company LightLab Sweden AB