Executive Committee: JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Positions heldSince
Jamie Dimon

Jamie Dimon

68 year

Chief Executive Officer 30/12/2005
Sripada Shivananda

Sripada Shivananda

52 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 11/06/2024
Robin Leopold

Robin Leopold

60 year

Human Resources Officer 31/12/2017
Rohan Amin

Rohan Amin

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 31/07/2014
Lori Beer

Lori Beer

57 year

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 12/09/2017
Stacey Friedman

Stacey Friedman

56 year

General Counsel 31/12/2015
Jennifer Piepszak

Jennifer Piepszak

54 year

Chief Operating Officer 13/01/2025
Daniel Pinto

Daniel Pinto

63 year

President 29/01/2018
Louis Rauchenberger

Louis Rauchenberger

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor -
Carla Hassan

Carla Hassan

Sales & Marketing -
Mikael Grubb

Mikael Grubb

Investor Relations Contact 12/12/2021
Jeremy Barnum

Jeremy Barnum

52 year

Director of Finance/CFO 17/05/2021
John Tribolati

John Tribolati

Corporate Secretary -
Elena Korablina

Elena Korablina

51 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 28/02/2021

Composition of the Board of Directors: JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Jamie Dimon

Jamie Dimon

68 year

Executive Committee
Alex Gorsky

Alex Gorsky

64 year

Executive Committee
Compensation Committee 08/11/2021
HR Committee 08/11/2021
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee 08/11/2021
Steve Burke

Steve Burke

66 year

Governance Committee 22/12/2009
Nominating Committee
Compensation Committee Chair
Compensation Committee
Brad Smith

Brad Smith

60 year

Compensation Committee 14/09/2022
Organization Committee 14/09/2022
Audit Committee 12/09/2023
Todd Combs

Todd Combs

54 year

Compensation Committee 20/05/2019
Governance Committee Chair
Nominating Committee Chair
Mark Weinberger

Mark Weinberger

63 year

Audit Committee 15/01/2024
Governance Committee 20/08/2019
Compensation Committee Chair 30/03/2020
Ginni Rometty

Ginni Rometty

67 year

Compensation Committee
Governance Committee 18/05/2020
Nominating Committee 18/05/2020
Phebe Novakovic

Phebe Novakovic

67 year

Executive Committee
Audit Committee 06/12/2020
Linda Bammann

Linda Bammann

69 year

Compensation Committee
Mellody Hobson

Mellody Hobson

55 year

Executive Committee 26/01/2010
Alicia Boler-Davis

Alicia Boler-Davis

56 year

Director/Board Member 19/03/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 19/03/2023
Mariano Hernán Markman

Mariano Hernán Markman

Director/Board Member
Juan Carlos Arribas Velasco

Juan Carlos Arribas Velasco

Director/Board Member

Former Officers and Directors: JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Positions held
James Crown
James Crown
Director/Board Member 31/12/2003 24/06/2023
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2003 24/06/2023
Lee Raymond
Lee Raymond
Director/Board Member 31/12/2000 30/12/2020
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2000 30/12/2020
Laban Phelps Jackson
Laban Phelps Jackson
Director/Board Member 31/12/2003 18/05/2020
Independent Dir/Board Member 31/12/2003 18/05/2020
William Weldon
William Weldon
Director/Board Member 14/03/2005 20/05/2019
Independent Dir/Board Member 14/03/2005 20/05/2019
Samuel Maclin
Samuel Maclin
Corporate Officer/Principal 30/06/2004 31/12/2015
Anthony J. Horan
Anthony J. Horan
Corporate Secretary - 31/12/2014
Doug Braunstein
Doug Braunstein
Director of Finance/CFO 31/05/2010 30/12/2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2012 31/12/2014
Director/Board Member 31/12/2012 01/01/2015
Director of Finance/CFO 31/12/2009 01/01/2012
Michael Cavanagh
Michael Cavanagh
Director of Finance/CFO 30/06/2004 19/11/2012
Corporate Officer/Principal 22/06/2010 24/03/2014
Ellen Futter
Ellen Futter
Director/Board Member 31/12/2000 17/07/2013
Independent Dir/Board Member 05/06/2011 17/07/2013
Ina R. Drew
Ina R. Drew
Chief Investment Officer 31/01/2005 13/05/2012
William Herbert Gray
William Herbert Gray
Director/Board Member 31/12/1991 13/05/2012
Independent Dir/Board Member 05/06/2011 -
David Novak
David Novak
Director/Board Member 31/12/2003 -
Independent Dir/Board Member 05/06/2011 -
Gaby A. Abdelnour
Gaby A. Abdelnour
Director/Board Member 14/04/2009 14/04/2009
Corporate Officer/Principal - 23/04/2012
Ian Charles Hannam
Ian Charles Hannam
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 31/03/2012
Jay Mandelbaum
Jay Mandelbaum
Corporate Officer/Principal 30/06/2004 12/01/2012
Will Hawthorne
Will Hawthorne
Private Equity Investor 31/12/1999 29/10/2011
Charlie Scharf
Charlie Scharf
Corporate Officer/Principal 30/06/2004 31/12/2010
John Robert Chrin
John Robert Chrin
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
Bill Winters
Bill Winters
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/2003 31/12/2008
Robert I. Lipp
Robert I. Lipp
Director/Board Member 31/12/2002 29/09/2008
Richard Manoogian
Richard Manoogian
Director/Board Member 31/12/1977 31/12/2006
William Harrison
William Harrison
Chief Executive Officer 31/12/1999 30/12/2006
Chairman 31/12/1999 30/12/2006
President 30/11/2000 31/10/2001
Joseph L. Sclafani
Joseph L. Sclafani
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor - 30/12/2006
Hans W. Becherer
Hans W. Becherer
Director/Board Member 31/12/1997 14/05/2006
Don M. Wilson
Don M. Wilson
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1990 31/12/2005
William H. McDavid
William H. McDavid
General Counsel 31/12/1999 -
Nicholas B. Paumgarten
Nicholas B. Paumgarten
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1991 30/12/2005
Alex Rosenfeld
Alex Rosenfeld
Corporate Officer/Principal - 29/06/2005
Raphael Drescher
Raphael Drescher
Corporate Officer/Principal 08/06/2005 -
Dain DeGroff
Dain DeGroff
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 30/05/2005
Rob W. Reistetter
Rob W. Reistetter
Corporate Officer/Principal - 26/01/2005
Lesley Daniels Webster
Lesley Daniels Webster
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1993 -
Joan Guggenheimer
Joan Guggenheimer
General Counsel 30/06/2004 -
Frank Bennack
Frank Bennack
Director/Board Member 31/12/1980 30/06/2004
Kenneth Boone
Kenneth Boone
Corporate Officer/Principal 29/11/2009 29/11/2009
Arling Astrup
Arling Astrup
Corporate Officer/Principal 29/11/2009 -
Dominique Schmidt
Dominique Schmidt
Director/Board Member 14/05/2004 -
Ramez Attie
Ramez Attie
Corporate Officer/Principal 29/11/2009 -
James S. Bold
James S. Bold
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
George Glyphis
George Glyphis
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
Takashi Nagao
Takashi Nagao
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
Klaas Meertens
Klaas Meertens
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
Marion Sears
Marion Sears
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
Peter Kerckhoffs
Peter Kerckhoffs
Corporate Officer/Principal 14/05/2004 -
Fernando Rivas
Fernando Rivas
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Helene L. Kaplan
Helene L. Kaplan
Director/Board Member 31/12/1986 31/12/2003
Donald Layton
Donald Layton
Director/Board Member 31/12/2001 31/12/2003
Chief Executive Officer 31/12/1999 31/12/2001
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1998 31/12/1999
Kayode Aje
Kayode Aje
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1999 30/12/2003
Peter Krow
Peter Krow
Corporate Officer/Principal - 30/12/2003
Robert R. Ruggiero
Robert R. Ruggiero
Portfolio Manager-Equities - 09/11/2003
Doreen Toben
Doreen Toben
Corporate Officer/Principal 29/06/2003 -
Daniel P. Conroy
Daniel P. Conroy
Corporate Officer/Principal - 29/05/2003
Brent C. Garrels
Brent C. Garrels
Corporate Officer/Principal - 09/02/2003
John H. Biggs
John H. Biggs
Director/Board Member 31/12/2002 -
Riley Bechtel
Riley Bechtel
Director/Board Member 31/12/2002 -
Diana Lynn Salter
Diana Lynn Salter
Portfolio Manager-Equities 31/12/1995 30/12/2002
Robert B. Ross
Robert B. Ross
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1994 30/12/2000
Anne Truesdale
Anne Truesdale
Corporate Officer/Principal - 30/12/1999
Chris Blum
Chris Blum
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1995 30/12/1998
Benjamin Meuli
Benjamin Meuli
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/08/1978 31/07/1998
Jeffrey C. Walker
Jeffrey C. Walker
Director/Board Member 31/12/1987 -
James Edward Staley
James Edward Staley
Corporate Officer/Principal 31/12/1978 -
Justo Gonzalez
Justo Gonzalez
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jeff Phelps
Jeff Phelps
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kimberly D. Reed
Kimberly D. Reed
Portfolio Manager-Equities - -
John J. Farrell
John J. Farrell
Human Resources Officer - -
Harry Ikenson
Harry Ikenson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ruth Georgeson
Ruth Georgeson
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David E. Donovan
David E. Donovan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael DeNardo
Michael DeNardo
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ed Allchin
Ed Allchin
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Christopher M. Holland
Christopher M. Holland
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
William Houlihan
William Houlihan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Fred W. Hill
Fred W. Hill
Public Communications Contact - -
Sales & Marketing - -
Claudia Piccirilli
Claudia Piccirilli
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Ruth Dreessen
Ruth Dreessen
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John W. Schmidlin
John W. Schmidlin
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
George Washington Connell
George Washington Connell
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Stephen W. Frey
Stephen W. Frey
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Larry Bossidy
Larry Bossidy
Director/Board Member - -
M. Anthony Burns
M. Anthony Burns
Director/Board Member - -
James S. Boshart
James S. Boshart
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Joseph Scimone
Joseph Scimone
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Thompson M. Swayne
Thompson M. Swayne
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jacques Aigrain
Jacques Aigrain
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 79
Female 34

Of which Executive Committee

Male 9
Female 5

Of which Directors

Male 8
Female 5


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo JPMorgan Chase & Co.
JPMorgan Chase & Co. is one of the biggest banking groups in the world. Revenues (including intragroup) break down by activity as follows: - retail banking (43.2%): sale of standard and specialized financial services (real estate loans, automobile loans, insurance, etc.) through a network of more than 4,897 banking agencies. The group also develops credit cards sale activity; - investment and market banking (30.1%): consulting for mergers-acquisitions and restructuring, capital increases, investment capital, active on the stock, bond, and derived product markets, stock market brokerage, etc.; - asset management (12.2%): USD 3,422 billion of assets under management at the end of 2023; - commercial banking (9.6%); - other (4.9%). At the end of 2023, the group was managing USD 2,400.7 billion in current deposits and USD 1,323.7 billion in current loans. Income breaks down geographically as follows: the United States (78%), Europe-Middle East-Africa (13.2%), Asia-Pacific (6.7%), Latin America and Carribean (2.1%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Philip Chuen
Philip Chuen

Chief Executive Officer

John F. McGillicuddy
John F. McGillicuddy

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/1991 30/12/1993

Walter V. Shipley
Walter V. Shipley

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/1993 31/12/1998

Douglas Warner
Douglas Warner


30/11/2000 31/10/2001

Donald Layton
Donald Layton

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/1999 31/12/2001

William Harrison
William Harrison

Chief Executive Officer

31/12/1999 30/12/2006

Fabrice Braunrot
Fabrice Braunrot


31/08/1984 29/06/2018

Jacob Frenkel
Jacob Frenkel


30/11/2009 31/12/2019

Erik Oken
Erik Oken


31/01/2021 31/05/2022

Cristina Morgan
Cristina Morgan


01/10/1982 28/02/2023