Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.

Consorcio Naviero Peruano SA

Air Freight/Couriers

Tecnológica de Alimentos SA

Agricultural Commodities/Milling

Primax Comercial del Ecuador SA

Wholesale Distributors

Manu Perú Holding SA

Wholesale Distributors

Piscifactorías de los Andes SA

Food Distributors

Pacífico SA Entidad Prestadora de Salud

Managed Health Care

Trabajos Maritimos SA

Other Transportation

Compañía Minera Raura SA

Other Metals/Minerals

Pesquera Centinela SA

Agricultural Commodities/Milling

Holding Continental SA

Financial Conglomerates

Corporación Peruana de Productos Químicos SA

Chemicals: Specialty

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Wholesale Distributors5
Major Banks4
Air Freight/Couriers4
Other Metals/Minerals3
Investment Managers3
Real Estate Development3
Miscellaneous Commercial Services3
Specialty Stores2
Financial Conglomerates2
Regional Banks2

Countries of related companies

Cayman Islands2
Logo Inversiones Centenario S.A.A.
Inversiones Centenario SAA is a Peru-based company, which is primarily engaged in the real estate sector. It specializes in the promotion and leasing of residential and non-residential properties, as well as in the development and management of land. The Company’s properties portfolio includes multifamily and single family properties, office spaces, parking lots and commercial premises. It is active domestically, mainly in such cities as Lima, El Pinar, Almo, Altarpiece, Santa Isabel and Tungasuca. As of September 30, 2012, the Company owns such subsidiaries as Centro Empresarial El Derby SA, Edificaciones Macrocomercio SA, Cosmosan Anstalt, Inversiones Nueva Metropoli SA, Edificaciones Melgarejo SAC and Promocion Inmobiliaria del Sur SA, as well as it held a 50% stake in Paz Centenario SAA. On June 5, 2013, it acquired 100% stake in Multimercados Zonales SA, MZ Inmobiliaria y Desarrolladora SA, Interamerica de Comercio SA, MZ Retail Inmobiliaria SA and Desarrollo Inmobiliario MZ SA.
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